cordova-plugin-advanced-http copied to clipboard
[Bug] [Android] Dependency issue with latest File plugin, App build is failing.
Describe the bug
App build failing after re-installing of latest 'cordova-plugin-file' plugin. I observe there is dependency for File plugin in '', which says doesn't exist during app build.
System info
- affected HTTP plugin version: [e.g. 3.1.0]
- affected platform(s) and version(s): [e.g. iOS Android 11]
- affected device(s): [e.g. Oneplus8]
- cordova version: [e.g. 10.0.0]
- cordova platform version(s): [e.g. android 9.1.0]
Are you using ionic-native-wrapper?
- No
Minimum viable code to reproduce Below is error during app build
> Task :app:compileDebugJavaWithJavac FAILED \platforms\android\app\src\main\java\com\silkimen\cordovahttp\ error: package org.apache.cordova.file does not exist import org.apache.cordova.file.*; ^ \platforms\android\app\src\main\java\com\silkimen\cordovahttp\ error: cannot find symbol JSONObject fileEntry = FileUtils.getFilePlugin().getEntryForFile(file); ^ symbol: variable FileUtils location: class CordovaHttpDownload Note: Some input files use or override a deprecated API. Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details. Note: Some input files use unchecked or unsafe operations. Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details. 2 errors FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
Below is the file where above error is mentioned
package com.silkimen.cordovahttp;
import com.silkimen.http.HttpRequest;
import com.silkimen.http.TLSConfiguration;
import org.apache.cordova.file.FileUtils;
import org.json.JSONObject;
class CordovaHttpDownload extends CordovaHttpBase {
private String filePath;
public CordovaHttpDownload(String url, JSONObject headers, String filePath, int timeout, boolean followRedirects,
TLSConfiguration tlsConfiguration, CordovaObservableCallbackContext callbackContext) {
super("GET", url, headers, timeout, followRedirects, "text", tlsConfiguration, callbackContext);
this.filePath = filePath;
protected void processResponse(HttpRequest request, CordovaHttpResponse response) throws Exception {
if (request.code() >= 200 && request.code() < 300) {
File file = new File(new URI(this.filePath));
JSONObject fileEntry = FileUtils.getFilePlugin().getEntryForFile(file);
} else {
response.setErrorMessage("There was an error downloading the file");
Screenshots If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.
@kalandher I'm facing the same issue. Did you find any solution for this?
Update: I fixed this issue by installing cordova-plugin-file
in my project
@yksolanki9 Which version of cordova-plugin-file have you installed ? I tried with latest version that's when I encountered this issue
If you're on cordova-file-plugin v7 and getting this error Cannot find symbol CordovaPluginPathHandler
, downgrade the plugin to v6
There are issues in V6 with respect to Android x support. That's the reason we have to upgrade to v7.
My bad, I did not test it on Android 11. As a workaround, you can try this stackoverflow solution
My bad, I did not test it on Android 11. As a workaround, you can try this stackoverflow solution
Error I'm getting is different. This solution doesn't work. My issue is with the file plugin dependency which is upgraded to v7 and it needs Cordova android 10 to be installed.
@kalandher Did you find any solution for this?
I am using Meteor ( I found that if I do a fresh build (i.e. clean .meteor/local/cordova-build directory), I get this error.
To work around it, I remove this package (cordova-plugin-advanced-http), do a clean build, then re-add it and build again.
If I had to guess, I would say the problem is that cordova-plugin-advanced-http depends on cordova-plugin-file, but is built before cordova-plugin-file. Either the dependency isn't declared, or the build system ignores it.
Actually, if I just list [email protected] AFTER [email protected] in .meteor/cordova-plugins , everything works fine