SkyReader copied to clipboard
'Cannot find portal USB' on windows 10 with Wii Swap Force portal
I don't know what HIDAPI is or how to use it. I built HIDAPI, and have hidapi.dll in the System32 folder, but i don't know what to do from there. I have a version of Skyreader i found in the comments section of Youtube, because I couldn't build it correctly, so that might be a problem. All I really want are some instructions on how to make both of these work.
I would look at one of the tools to allow you to build posix based apps on Windows. Either Mingw , Cygwin or even Microsoft's own Windows Subsystem for Linux. I can't say if any of these tools would work I don't have a windows development machine.
But... All I wanted was for it to find my portal and write to it :( I have MinGW installed, but all I wanted was to be able to have an 'easy way', or AT LEAST a tutorial.
Do you have the link of what you downloaded? SkyReader is linked statically with hidapi, so should not require any dynamic libraries. Although I don't know how that version was built. Can you run the command? what output do you get? And also, It works fine, besides at the end it says ">>> SkylanderIO::ReadPortal Cannot Find Portal USB"
You must understand that Skyreader (Editor) sometime have problem on some Windows system for unknown reasone.
Sometime i can get it work on Windows 10 only with virtual system
First you need install Spyro portal driver, because you have this //////Cannot Find Portal USB//// Best you can do its try as many variants as possible Try another PC (laptop), if you use windows 10, try windows 7 You need also try skyreader with another portal not all portal version work good with some skyreader fork
finally , try skymodder , maybe this will work for you
I've tried skymodder
I cant tell you something new compiled Capullo skyreader work, Skymodder also for all no need install hidapi, its already inside
If you have driver installed ,Problem only because of your PC (system) or not compitable portal version I have no another idea only trying another PC or portal you can find what is your problem And yes, Editor need often reconnect portal