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A skeleton to get started with Silex

Results 10 Silex-Skeleton issues
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I just started moving a prototype app from Slim to Silex, and I started with this skeleton. It seems strange to load config after initializing the app, though. How are...

added another command to start the PHP built-in web server if the first option does not work.

Hi, I've downloaded the skeleton and when I go on the index, I have this error: `[2016-12-03 18:16:20] app.CRITICAL: Twig_Error_Runtime: An exception has been thrown during the rendering of a...

After installing the skeleton per the instructions in the README and running `COMPOSER_PROCESS_TIMEOUT=0 composer run` and visit http://localhost:8888 or http://localhost:8888/index_dev.php I get the following error in a JS alert: ```...

Add cache:clear and logs:clear commands in console

I tried to run phpunit . from the root of this code ( /home/aldo/projects/university/apps/rest-server/silex/) but i got this error: PHP Fatal error: Class 'Monolog\TestCase' not found in /home/aldo/projects/university/apps/rest-server/silex/vendor/monolog/monolog/tests/Monolog/Formatter/FlowdockFormatterTest.php on line...

Fixes `"An error occurred while loading the web debug toolbar (500: Internal Server Error)."` by changing the `twig-bridge` version as suggested by @bastien-g ( Resolves #69 Note: [committing the `composer.lock`...

From the initial README.rst the `ValidatorServiceProvider` was missing, and there were already included providers like: `HttpFragmentServiceProvider` and `AssetServiceProvider` which where not specified in README.rst

Currently, config/prod.php is the only thing that breaks support. All it would take is an app.yaml to make it work. This is THE framework of choice for Google's bookshelf examples...

Whats the point of including the dev toolbar if it doesn't run without some contrived command... make it default! I even manually installed it, read the instructions and patched my...