> You just need to filter all the battle lobby messages starting with "!" coming from the players and all the messages coming from the autohost in a separate (collapsable...
The content does matter when you try to make a GUI for it, though.
Ok - so assuming we go for 2.2 for some parts, is there anything you'd suggest to be included/removed from my list in On 2.1, for what remains, I...
If you let me know which lobby/spads commands you think would be suitable for addition/redesign (plus then I'll draft a protocol for them
Ok, I'll wait and see what you come up with. Fwiw, I would rather that protocol commands had names that matched their individual purposes (e.g. no generic AUTOHOSTCOMMAND or suchlike),...
Looks good so far, happy to implement that. In case useful, I am not so familiar with this part of the protocol but I once sketched something similar in
Regarding backwards compatibility, it makes sense & most likely works. I'll think a bit longer about forwards compat & customizability.
imo manual update is fine, it changes so rarely,
n2s, mix of json & non-json SAID is involved here
Perhaps its enough just to send the ingame status for battle hosts