Silei Xu
Silei Xu
Currently, once a unique param is used in filter, the table is marked as `no_filter`, i.e., no more filter can be added to it. However, in some cases, this is...
E.g., `now =>, country == "Q30"^^org.wikidata:country || inception == makeDate(1894, 1, 1) => notify;` is converted to ```sparql SELECT DISTINCT (?table0 as ?id) (?table0Label as ?idLabel) WHERE { {?table0...
The current implementation does not have any variables in the outer scope available in subquery - which means neither parameter passing nor filters using variables from parent query is not...
One commonly used operator missing in ThingTalk when compared with SQL, is GroupBy. This is needed for future support for SQL/SPARQL queries.
Qualifier is very common in Wikidata questions. In order to support question answering over Wikidata, we need to support it. Basically, it should be something similar to filter on compound...
Existential subqueries can be optimized as operations like sorting won't affect the value of the boolean expression. Operations that have effect: - filter - projection: the output parameter could be...
Existential subquery of an expression and a projection on the same expression should have the same meaning: we should check if the value of the projection is `null` and `undefined`,...
the `booleanExpression` in the boolean questions is currently not optimized. E..g, in the case when it's statically true/false, we could simply use `[true]`/`[false]` to avoid the computation, or even avoid...
Adding a developer key still doesn't allow using the devices under development.