plexmanager icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
plexmanager copied to clipboard

A cross platform app build in React Native, based on the Plex API for managing Plex Media Servers from a phone.

Plex Manager

A cross-platform app build in React Native, based on the Plex API for managing Plex Media Servers from a phone.

Labels Version Branch
Current v0.0.4-beta 0.0.4-beta
Development v0.0.5-beta dev


  • Play Store : Deleted from the Play Store. Download it on the release page
  • App Store : One day may be...

Run in dev mode

Clone the project

$ git clone

Go to the project directory

$ cd plex-manager

Install dependencies

$ yarn install

Start the app

  • Android :
$ yarn android
  • iOS (make sure to link the dependencies before)

I didn't test the app on iOS so don't be surprised if it don't work

$ yarn ios


Under construction





The app is configured to be installed on Android >= 5.0 (SDK 21) but the app is currently tested on an Android 33 version. Some tests, will be done in the future. If you are getting trouble to install the app, please open an issue.


I don't own an Apple device and an Apple developer licence for publishing the app on the App Store. For this reason the app is currently not available for iOS devices.


GLP v3