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A directive for animated transitions in lit-html.


A directive for animated transitions in lit-html.

Build Coverage Status semantic-release


Full documentation is available at

Docs source is in the docs folder.

To build the library and the docs yourself, clone it run npm install and npm run build. This will build the library as well as the documentation.


lit-transition is a directive for lit-html that will automatically generate animated tranistions when templates are swapped.

The library detects when your template re-renders and applies css transitions and animations. It mostly manages a state cycle when your view is updated by automatically appending and removing DOM nodes as they transition in and out.

import {html, render} from 'lit-html';
import {transition} from 'lit-transition';

// This is a lit-html template function. It returns a lit-html template.
const helloTemplate = (name) => html`<div>Hello ${name}!</div>`;

// This renders <div>Hello Steve!</div> to the document body
render(transition(helloTemplate('Steve')), document.body);

// This updates to <div>Hello Kevin!</div>, while looking cool
render(transition(helloTemplate('Kevin')), document.body);

Check out the documentation!


$ npm install lit-transition


  • multi-root templates
  • add js hooks
  • add transitions via web animation


Happy to accept PRs!