google-sites-liberation copied to clipboard
Automated option for batch operation
Hello Developers,
Enhancement request:
Is there a way this tool can be automated to run from a script? We have >10
sites that we would like to have automated offsite backup for on a daily basis.
What would be great is to call the program from the command-line from within a
Bash or Perl script and have it backup all sites in the domain or a subset of
sites from a configuration file.
Original issue reported on by [email protected]
on 10 Jan 2011 at 12:31
I am using this code (slightly modified) Its a bit annoying because you have to
install groovy on the machine that will run the script but it works.
Honesty if you take a look at the args line you will see how you could also
likely use it in VB and possibly batch. I just haven't had the time to test it
or reconfigure the process.
Our process uses a batch that runs this script to back up our main site and its
sub-pages. Then, the batch will copy the site to another location and it then
calls some VB scripts to modify the index.html to remove some sub-pages from
the code. once the html is modified the batch will delete the folders that
correlate to the sub-pages. Once out modified site is created, the batch calls
a modified version of the above groovy script that will import the modified
site to a different web space. This process is used to get around the lack of
page permissions...there are two for all admins and one for end
Original comment by [email protected]
on 19 Apr 2011 at 3:50
Thanks for your reply. What we did was to write a Bash script calling
google-sites-liberation. This is running on Debian Lenny and it requires the
sun-java6-jdk. We then have this plumbed into rsnapshot to benefit from daily
incremental backups using hardlinks. It works pretty well, the only caveat is
that attachments to pages are not backed up.
Original comment by [email protected]
on 20 Apr 2011 at 8:52