Sergey B

Results 24 comments of Sergey B

@ElvishJerricco I know but there are non-haskell deps also.

@3noch I use Linux, but for Windows my colleagues are using Docker image. I should provide that too, probably. Production env also docker based

@3noch vagrant also might be an option

@3noch yes, if you build with GHCJS that's fine, but as I remember there are gtk3 deps for `reflex-dom` for GHC build. If @ryantrinkle is ok with having couple more...

@ryantrinkle roger that. I'll add tests then. Will provide PR on the weekend, so you can check it out.

@SamProtas I got busy with my day job, but I have working local setup with lts-8, will try to publish everything this weekend.

@cartazio I'm active maintainer atm. I'll get to it in next release, handling 8.8 support now.

@runeksvendsen what version of sqlite3 used?

@runeksvendsen ok, I'll check on Mac additionally

@runeksvendsen I'll let you know next couple of days, I have some time to work on this and do more testing.