lighthouse copied to clipboard
invalid address-in-use error on macOS?
I've updated to 1.10.21 of Geth and 3.0.0 of Lighthouse, I'm trying to launch lighthouse in two tabs (I used to run terminal tab with lighthouse bn --staking
and one with lighthouse vc
I've launch geth
geth --authrpc.addr localhost --authrpc.port 8551 --authrpc.vhosts localhost --authrpc.jwtsecret ~/Library/Ethereum/geth/jwtsecret
Im trying to launch lighthouse with
$ lighthouse \
--network mainnet \
beacon_node \
--http \
--execution-endpoint http://localhost:8551 \
--execution-jwt ~/Library/Ethereum/geth/jwtsecret
But this fails to launch, I get "Address already in use"
Error log
Aug 24 05:59:17.425 INFO Logging to file path: "/Users/sajjode/.lighthouse/mainnet/beacon/logs/beacon.log"
Aug 24 05:59:17.425 INFO Lighthouse started version: Lighthouse/v3.0.0-18c61a5
Aug 24 05:59:17.425 INFO Configured for network name: mainnet
Aug 24 05:59:17.426 INFO Data directory initialised datadir: /Users/sajjode/.lighthouse/mainnet
Aug 24 05:59:17.426 INFO Deposit contract address: 0x00000000219ab540356cbb839cbe05303d7705fa, deploy_block: 11184524
Aug 24 05:59:18.000 INFO Hot-Cold DB initialized split_state: 0x15f183efd9e1913422189059845b3f1c27f66706ce7de6b6b083f92a7d395f04, split_slot: 4541216, service: freezer_db
Aug 24 05:59:18.004 INFO Starting beacon chain method: resume, service: beacon
Aug 24 05:59:40.947 INFO Block production enabled method: json rpc via http, endpoints: Auth { endpoint: "http://localhost:8551/", jwt_path: "/Users/sajjode/Library/Ethereum/geth/jwtsecret", jwt_id: None, jwt_version: None }
Aug 24 05:59:41.731 INFO Beacon chain initialized head_slot: 4541305, head_block: 0x6c70…6300, head_state: 0xbf04…2601, service: beacon
Aug 24 05:59:41.731 INFO Timer service started service: node_timer
Aug 24 05:59:41.731 INFO UPnP Attempting to initialise routes service: UPnP
Aug 24 05:59:41.732 INFO Libp2p Starting bandwidth_config: 3-Average, peer_id: 16Uiu2HAmRtGSa2BvqMnNgnaYXUF2uuDmKF63on9FiQ9gs5HpJpNb, service: libp2p
Aug 24 05:59:41.732 INFO ENR Initialised tcp: Some(9000), udp: None, ip: None, id: 0xea48..34fa, seq: 1116, enr: enr:-K-4QDECQXcKPYyqsLqibKBuiTy2aEJzJY42tABVNJBnlK_cHy_mRuca_XtHC824ZQMnHuTJKZMgvLxJ7HGOxSyj3vKCBFyHYXR0bmV0c4gAAAAAAAAAAIRldGgykK_Kq6ACAAAAADYCAAAAAACCaWSCdjSJc2VjcDI1NmsxoQPEjqy81DrLnQy26X787lqVCVcatsHDNUUZXbHRSSmsGIhzeW5jbmV0cwCDdGNwgiMo, service: libp2p
Aug 24 05:59:41.743 CRIT Failed to start beacon node reason: Failed to start network: Error(Libp2p(Msg("Io(Os { code: 48, kind: AddrInUse, message: \"Address already in use\" })")), State { next_error: None, backtrace: InternalBacktrace { backtrace: Some( 0: backtrace::capture::Backtrace::new_unresolved
1: error_chain::backtrace::imp::InternalBacktrace::new
2: <error_chain::State as core::default::Default>::default
3: <lighthouse_network::types::error::Error as core::convert::From<alloc::string::String>>::from
4: lighthouse_network::behaviour::Behaviour<AppReqId,TSpec>::new::{{closure}}
5: network::service::NetworkService<T>::start::{{closure}}
6: beacon_node::ProductionBeaconNode<E>::new::{{closure}}
7: futures_util::future::future::FutureExt::poll_unpin
8: <futures_util::future::select::Select<A,B> as core::future::future::Future>::poll
9: <futures_util::future::future::map::Map<Fut,F> as core::future::future::Future>::poll
10: <futures_util::future::future::flatten::Flatten<Fut,<Fut as core::future::future::Future>::Output> as core::future::future::Future>::poll
11: tokio::runtime::task::core::CoreStage<T>::poll
12: tokio::runtime::task::harness::Harness<T,S>::poll
13: std::thread::local::LocalKey<T>::with
14: tokio::runtime::thread_pool::worker::Context::run_task
15: tokio::runtime::thread_pool::worker::Context::run
16: tokio::macros::scoped_tls::ScopedKey<T>::set
17: tokio::runtime::thread_pool::worker::run
18: <tokio::runtime::blocking::task::BlockingTask<T> as core::future::future::Future>::poll
19: tokio::runtime::task::harness::Harness<T,S>::poll
20: tokio::runtime::blocking::pool::Inner::run
21: std::sys_common::backtrace::__rust_begin_short_backtrace
22: core::ops::function::FnOnce::call_once{{vtable.shim}}
23: <alloc::boxed::Box<F,A> as core::ops::function::FnOnce<Args>>::call_once
at /rustc/4b91a6ea7258a947e59c6522cd5898e7c0a6a88f/library/alloc/src/
<alloc::boxed::Box<F,A> as core::ops::function::FnOnce<Args>>::call_once
at /rustc/4b91a6ea7258a947e59c6522cd5898e7c0a6a88f/library/alloc/src/
at /rustc/4b91a6ea7258a947e59c6522cd5898e7c0a6a88f/library/std/src/sys/unix/
24: __pthread_deallocate
) } })
Aug 24 05:59:41.743 INFO Internal shutdown received reason: Failed to start beacon node
Aug 24 05:59:41.743 INFO Shutting down.. reason: Failure("Failed to start beacon node")
Aug 24 05:59:42.554 INFO Saved beacon chain to disk service: beacon
Aug 24 05:59:51.732 INFO UPnP not available error: IO error: Resource temporarily unavailable (os error 35), service: UPnP
Failed to start beacon node
Please provide your Lighthouse and Rust version. Are you building from
or unstable
, which commit?
Stable, 3.0.0, built locally in my Mac Mini M1, commit is 18c61a5e8be3e54226a86a69b96f8f4f7fd790e4
Present Behaviour
Fails to lauch
Expected Behaviour
I expect to be able to launch lighthouse
Steps to resolve
Please describe the steps required to resolve this issue, if known.
If you're getting an address-already-in-use error then you've probably already got Lighthouse running in another tab somewhere. You can look for the process ID using ps
like this:
ps -aux | grep lighthouse
e.g. on my machine I have this:
michael 325153 217 2.0 12763716 1329500 pts/4 Sl+ 16:23 9:10 lighthouse bn --staking --subscribe-all-subnets --import-all-attestations
If you see a lighthouse bn
process there (before you start Lighthouse in the current tab), then that means it's already running. You could try to find the tab where it's running or just kill the process by PID:
kill 325153
change the PID to match the output from ps
@michaelsproul I did check for used ports with lsof
and I killed all terminal windows and rebooted machine (I have no daemons setup to start when my Mac starts), so I'm pretty sure that was not the cause, why I opened this issue.
Without rebooting or anything, I downgraded Lighthouse to 2.5.1 and re-ran lighthouse, then it worked. So it feels like a regression bug, but I fully understand that I have not given you much to work with here... hmm. Might possibly be human error on my part!
Let's see if anyone else has these issues.
@Sajjon You'll need to run v3.0.0 for the merge, do you get anything different when you change Lighthouse's port with e.g. --port 9001
If you could also send me the debug logs from ~.lighthouse/mainnet/beacon/logs/beacon.log
that would be helpful. I'm @sproul#3907
on the Lighthouse Discord, or my email is <firstname>
Closing in favour of which has more detailed discussion about possible root causes.