PlayCap icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
PlayCap copied to clipboard

Performs playback of tcpdump, windump, Wireshark, and libpcap files.

This is PlayCap, the tool for playing back Wireshark, tcpdump, and libpcap captures. In its early versions, only straight playback (full speed) is supported. In future versions, variable speed playback may be added if it is desired. PlayCap has a very simple user interface, designed to be completely intuitive to anyone using it.

Platforms Supported

PlayCap has currently been tested on Windows XP, Ubuntu 9.10, and Mac OS X 10.5, with more testing planned in the near future.

Installation / Building from Source


On Linux, PlayCap currently must be built from source. CMake ( is used instead of autotools to configure the build.

To install the 3rd party dependencies on an Ubuntu system, GCC must first be installed. If it has not already been installed, run: sudo apt-get install build-essential Then run the following: sudo apt-get install libfox-dev libpcap-dev cmake

To build the software, run the following commands from inside the source distribution: cmake . make sudo make install

Run the software by running the following from the command line: playcap

Mac OS X

On Mac OSX, PlayCap is built from the command line using cmake. To prepare a computer for build, first install XCode and Ports, then get the dependencies from ports by typing the following: sudo port install fox libpcap cmake

To build the software, run the following commands from inside the source distribution: cmake . make sudo make install

Run the software by running the following from the command line: playcap


Installation: On Windows, the easiest method of installation is to run the installer located on the download page on the website. The installer will prompt to run the WinPcap installer. WinPcap is required for PlayCap to run on Windows. WinPcap is also installed by Wireshark (and other programs), so it is likely to already be installed on your computer if you use one of these tools.

Setting up a Windows computer for build of PlayCap: Windows builds are currently only supported using Visual Studio 2008. Other compilers should work, but will need a re-build of the fox-toolkit library. Building of this library is described later in this document. For VS 2008, the build should work out of the box using CMake.

  1. Install CMake (downloadable from

  2. Download from the main PlayCap download site and extract it just outside of PlayCap, so that PlayCap-Externals and PlayCap are on the same level, as shown:

    Parent_Folder | +PlayCap +PlayCap-Externals

  3. Run CMake, and specify PlayCap's directory in the top of the CMake GUI.

  4. In CMake, press "Configure" then "Generate". This will generate a Visual Studio Project file.

  5. Open the newly created Visual Studio project (.SLN) file in Visual Studio, select the build configuration (DEBUG or RELEASE) and press the Build button.

  6. Copy the DLLs from the PlayCap-Externals directory to an appropriate folder.

  7. Install WinPcap_4_1_1.exe from the Playcap-Externals folder (if necessary).

  8. Run the newly-built playcap.exe

To Re-build FOX-Toolkit on Windows (for example on another compiler):

  1. Open the FOX Project from windows\vcpp\win32.dsw

  2. In the FOX workspace, add HAVE_PNG_H=1 to the preprocessor in the DEBUG and RELEASE for projects fox and foxdll (4 times total).

  3. In the FOX workspace, add libpng.lib and zlib.lib to the list of libraries linked to in the DEBUG and RELEASE configurations for the foxdll project.

  4. In the Visual Studio Options window, select (from the tree on the left) "Projects and Solutions" then "VC++ Directories." Then select "Include files" from the combo box on the top right. Add the paths for libpng\include and zlib\include from the place you extracted

  5. Select "Library Files" from the combo box at the top right of the Options window. Add the paths for libpng\lib and zlib\lib from the place you exracted

  6. Build projects fox and foxdll depending on whether you want to use the static lib or the DLL.

  7. Build projects fox and foxdll.

  8. Get the LIB and DLL files from the lib\ directory of the fox distribution.

  9. When done, take the added folders out of the global include and library paths if desired.