Results 92 issues of Bedis Nbiba

```ts Deno.serve(() => new Response("ok")); throw "azez" // no exception is thrown ``` `deno 1.25.2+ffffa2f (canary, x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu)`



Using white space as trigger character make the experience of using nim a bit annoying becuase tab will always trigger completion you can compare to python: [nim]( [python]( I propose...

In my testing selfinsert doesn't seem to work, it inserts one white-space character instead of an actual tab, changing it to insert makes it work perfectly.

Its what fish shell does, and its very handy. the use case goes like this: - use up arrow key - edit that line - forget that you're in history...


### Summary If I already have multiple cursor and search for something, only one cursor moves I expect each cursor to move to the nearest hit [Screencast from 2022-12-03 13-38-18.webm](


when running update, it was not obvious for me that this is waiting for me to hit enter ![image](

mod.ts ```ts export function server(port = 4221) { const listener = Deno.listen({ port }); (async () => { for await (const conn of listener) { conn.readable.pipeTo(conn.writable); } })(); return listener;...

I think its a good idea, especially if it had github action
