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Experimentation around 'emil-e/rapidcheck' by combining it with libFuzzer


This is an experiment of hacking around RapidCheck to combine RapidCheck's property-based testing with Fuzzying. It was very much influenced by Dan Luu's post which suggested exactly this combination.

RapidCheck is a C++ framework for property based testing inspired by QuickCheck and other similar frameworks. In property based testing, you state facts about your code that given certain precondition should always be true. RapidCheck then generates random test data to try and find a case for which the property doesn't hold. (From the original README)

Aim of this experiment

When using libFuzzer in C++ you have to use it in the same way you would for C: Implement a function int LLVMFuzzerTestOneInput(const uint8_t *Data, size_t Size).

Honestly, this is cumbersome in C++. Especially, if you've seen the ease of use present in RapidCheck. In RapidCheck you can get started by simply calling rc::check("some description", callable). callable can be any function object with a wide variety of arguments. RapidCheck's magic figures out how to generate a std::string, int, or std::vector<float> (and many more).

In Dan Luu's post, he urges that property-based testing (like RapidCheck) be combined with targeted fuzzers (like LLVM's libFuzzer and Michal Zalewski's AFL). This makes sense. Currently, Fuzzying is used primarily for finding crashes that can be induced in programs. However, most developers also care about correct functionality.

He gives one specific example where fuzzers shine: Detecting that a very specific input causes the wrong result. Coverage-guided fuzzying helps here, because it tries to reach all corners of the code. QuickCheck and RapidCheck are lacking this guided approach. Instead they reason about the inputs.

Here's the example

/// Takes an array and returns a non-zero int
int dut(const std::vector<int> &a) {
  if (a.size() != 4) {
    return 1;

  if (some_filter(a[0]) && some_filter(a[1]) && some_filter(a[2]) &&
      some_filter(a[3])) {
    return 0; // Intentional bug: documentation promises non-zero.

  return 5;

I also tried it on one other but similar example. Detecting that a string encoding function produces the wrong data if the string starts with the prefix "magic".

From an initial comparison of libFuzzer and RapidCheck, I knew that libFuzzer detects this case in mere seconds. RapidCheck never finished the 5-letter prefix and took a minute for the two letter case.

Why RapidCheck?

This is from the original README.

There are existing implementations of property based testing but the ones that I have found are either (in my humble opinion) a bit clunky or are missing essential features such as test case shrinking.

Let's throw together a list of features:

  • Write your properties in an imperative way that makes sense for C++
  • Test case shrinking
  • Great support for STL types, including maps and sets
  • Advanced combinators for creating your own generators
  • Stateful based on commands in the vein of Erlang QuickCheck
  • Integration with popular testing frameworks such as Boost Test, Google Test and Google Mock

I would like to retain most of the features. Especially the first feature: "that makes sense for C++". Definitely not part of the features should be "test case shrinking". And integration of popular testing frameworks is certainly optional.

Results / Interpretation

  • Yes, it works. But whereas the magic prefix 'magic' which leads to an error is discovered immediately with vanilla libFuzzer, this variant is as bad as RapidCheck in discovering it.
  • Or maybe, it is even worse than RapidCheck: All the weight but smaller brain. Finding just the prefix 'm' takes ages. As I remember RapidCheck handled that short prefix reasonably well and only faltered with longer prefixes.
    • Trying to find std::string("ma") is much slower than finding std::vector<char> {'m', 'a'}. The latter can be found in a few seconds.

Next steps:

  • As a next step, to analyse why this is so inefficient, I thought it would be useful to analyse some coverage reports. My guess is that a lot of effort is spent in the 'RapidCheck' code and little inside the relevant code.
  • A re-implementation would make a lot of sense. However, this experiment showed me that I could not implement something like RapidCheck myself. Also, it would be great to keep all the features of RapidCheck.
  • If re-implementation is not an option (mostly because of all the useful features: STL types, states, pre-conditions, generators), then knowing a better injection point than Random would be very welcome. Maybe it is the generators that could be used?

As always, "Next steps" do not mean I will do this. If I had the time, I would learn how to find the required argument types to a function. And then generate the appropriate objects from a uint8 array. But I doubt I will have the time.

Further Notes

  • The output results are wrong. This is probably a serious bug. Printing the results manually near the error helps.
  • If the unit-under-test 'asserts' then testing stops immediately (which is what we want). Using the return code of rc::check takes somehow skips errors.

Prerequisites and installation

[...] All the previous content has been removed because this is just a very ugly hack.

  1. Build using the normal CMake procedure.
  • Use CC set to newest Clang (> 5.0), CXX to clang++, and LD to clang++ too. Make sure you built Clang with compiler-rt support.
  • This also works with Clang 5.0 (see tutorial.libfuzzer.info); but then you need to change -fsanitize=address,fuzzer into something else. The exact flag is well documented on that tutorial page. Also, I ended up hardcording where the built libFuzzer.a is. Worked well, though. Clang on latest is easier to use.
  1. Run ./fuzz_encoding and ./fuzz_danluu_example. The counter example also works.
  • Useful options: ./fuzz_encoding CORPUS_DIR. This will remember interesting inputs from multiple runs.
  • The result is underwhelming. See detailed analysis above.

Implementation (Hacking) Detail

  • I passed LLVMFuzzerTestOneInput's Data uint8_t array all the way to the first real constructor of Random.
  • Random was completely made non-random.
    • It is implemented as a shared pointer to a stack. The pointer is shared with Random instances created through Random::split.
    • The stack should not be a stack, since the input data is just removed never added. A single constant container with an increasing index into it, would suffice.
    • Once Random is exhausted, an exception is thrown and caught. This is considered a successful run.


RapidCheck was developed by Emil Eriksson at Spotify.

Big thanks to my employer, Spotify, for making it possible for me to spend work time improving RapidCheck.

Again, thanks to RapidCheck. It is amazingly useful and very easy to use. It also showed me new things in C++ and reminded me how much I still do not know.