node-mysql2 icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
node-mysql2 copied to clipboard


Open ErisDS opened this issue 1 year ago • 3 comments

Hi there,

My team and I (Ghost) are trying to understand why this repo doesn't get releases?

There are regular updates to the repo but noone is benefitting from the changes - the last release was back in November 2021. At which point the releases had been every couple of weeks.

We have users specifically waiting on, which was merged 10days after the last release, now almost a year ago.

Is there a problem with the release process? Something we could possibly help with? cc @daniellockyer

We really appreciate all of the hard work going on here - we would love to make use of it!

ErisDS avatar Sep 08 '22 13:09 ErisDS

Mainly because I'm very busy and publishing is currently not fully automatic. I'm going to try to find some time and configure release-please or something similar over the weekend

sidorares avatar Sep 08 '22 20:09 sidorares

Re help - any release workflow automation would be appreciated. Also one blocker is coverage check that is failing on PRS where source branch outside of this repo. Need to fix the issue or remove the check

sidorares avatar Sep 08 '22 20:09 sidorares

Hey @sidorares, I appreciate how difficult these things are when they're not automated. I believe @daniellockyer fixed a similar issue with PR coverage checks on our repos so hopefully he can take a look at that next week.

He's also a dab hand at workflow automation and I'm sure he can help more.

ErisDS avatar Sep 09 '22 19:09 ErisDS

Hey @sidorares 👋🏻 Apologies for stepping in much later. I'd be more than happy to help given we also fixed up the node-sqlite3 release process too 🙂

I see you've pushed a commit for the coverage check permissions. Shall I take a look into the release-please GHA?

daniellockyer avatar Oct 07 '22 07:10 daniellockyer

Thanks @daniellockyer!

yes, I was thinking to add release-please

I'll describe current manual release process and we can discuss what automated would look like:

  1. clone master locally, go through PR/commits and extract what I think needs to be communicated into
  2. commit changelog as vX.Y.Z changes, run npm version patch ( or minor/major based on the changes )
  3. push changelog commit to master + commit and tag generated by npm version
  4. npm publish

Sometimes where I feel changes are too big there is an -rc version publish followed by few days of waiting.

I still prefer manual changelog, my ideal workflow would be this:

  • create issue with "release" in the title
  • GH action pulls all the commits and PRs in a commit
  • I ( or somebody else in the allowed list) picks relevant changelog / adds edits
  • steps similar to 2-4 are performed automatically ( + extra step - create github release )
  • issue is closed if all goes well

Does not have to be that fancy though. NPM_TOKEN secret is already set on this repo

sidorares avatar Oct 08 '22 01:10 sidorares

@sidorares This should all be doable AFAICT 🙂

My only question is that release-please uses conventional commits to determine the bump type. This repo doesn't seem to use that right now, so the suggested version might be off.

Is that something you'd be open to using?

daniellockyer avatar Oct 10 '22 11:10 daniellockyer

In the mean time, I've opened 🙂

daniellockyer avatar Oct 12 '22 08:10 daniellockyer

@sidorares Is there anything else I can do to help with a release? 🙂

daniellockyer avatar Oct 18 '22 03:10 daniellockyer

hey @daniellockyer looks like release-please action is working and doing its job, I just need to check what I want to do with the first release. Looks like if I merge it'll publish v2.3.4 do you know how do I force major release? Should I push Release-As commit?

Sorry for the silly questions, the docs seems to answer them but don't want to do anything dumb acciedentally and then rush to fix that

sidorares avatar Oct 18 '22 03:10 sidorares

I believe you can do either that, or temporarily edit the workflow to have release-as: '3.0.0' as per the docs.

CleanShot 2022-10-18 at 11 10 51@2x

daniellockyer avatar Oct 18 '22 04:10 daniellockyer

@sidorares is there any chance of the release getting published before the end of the month?

silverbullettruck2001 avatar Oct 20 '22 18:10 silverbullettruck2001

Great to see this collaboration from @ErisDS and @daniellockyer from Ghost here. I'd love to see a release for this as well since I'm depending in MySQL for Azure running as the backend for my blog and I've been waiting for this fix for some time now.

I'm going to throw in a sponsorship for @sidorares as well. I have a small taste of how hard and time-consuming maintaining an OSS project can be especially when you have other obligations as well, so every little bit helps :)

Looking forward to seeing the next release!

stebet avatar Nov 01 '22 09:11 stebet

Thanks for your support @stebet

@silverbullettruck2001 was going to write "yes" but just realised its already Nov 1st. I really want to have a test release-please driven release first, I'll prepare a manual changelog and push "release-as: 3.0.0-rc0" some time later tomorrow. Ifter that hopefully going to be just a matter of merging a PR generated by release-please action moving forward

Sorry for keeping delaying this, unfortunately lots of other commitments preventing for fully focusing on the work here. Thanks again everyone who helped

sidorares avatar Nov 01 '22 12:11 sidorares

@sidorares That is great news! Thanks again for you continued dedication to this. I definitely understand why you are prioritizing release-please to make this easier for you and the community. Please keep up the good work!

silverbullettruck2001 avatar Nov 01 '22 13:11 silverbullettruck2001

Any update on release? Thanks.

aysark avatar Nov 06 '22 02:11 aysark

@ErisDS @aysark @silverbullettruck2001 published v3.0.0-rc.1 to npm

@daniellockyer for some reason publish step failed in the workflow, had to publish manually:

sidorares avatar Nov 06 '22 13:11 sidorares

Sorry to complain, but I believe that a release candidate "v3.0.0-rc.1" should not be noted as latest on npm.

rafipiccolo avatar Nov 07 '22 08:11 rafipiccolo

@sidorares Thank you so much 🎉 just a headsup @daniellockyer is taking a well-earned screen break this week, but I'll get him to help with this asap next week.

@rafipiccolo that's how npm works by default. Although it can be changed later using npm dist-tag, it is super fiddly and really not what I'd want to ask Sidores's to spend his limited and extremely valuable time on right now.

ErisDS avatar Nov 07 '22 09:11 ErisDS

ok, i was only reporting. i'll adapt my cicd in any case.

rafipiccolo avatar Nov 07 '22 10:11 rafipiccolo

Sorry to complain, but I believe that a release candidate "v3.0.0-rc.1" should not be noted as latest on npm.

good point @rafipiccolo , you are right

changed v2.3.3 tag back to latest and tagged v3.0.0-rc.1 as next

> npm dist-tag add [email protected] next
> npm dist-tag add [email protected] latest

sidorares avatar Nov 07 '22 10:11 sidorares

no rush @ErisDS, I can continue to publish manually, it's already easier from now on. We'll get everything running smoothly eventually

sidorares avatar Nov 07 '22 10:11 sidorares

@rafipiccolo that's how npm works by default. Although it can be changed later using npm dist-tag, it is super fiddly and really not what I'd want to ask Sidores's to spend his limited and extremely valuable time on right now.

TIL ( I knew about tags but now I know how to set them at publish time and how to change later )

sidorares avatar Nov 07 '22 10:11 sidorares

Sorry for being defensive, I just know how it feels when you finally ship the thing everyone asks for & the replies are all "And another thing..." 😬

Really appreciate you getting this out. I know @daniellockyer is gonna be stoked, and there's a tonne of people in the Ghost community who are gonna be over the moon to be able to upgrade as well ❤️

ErisDS avatar Nov 07 '22 10:11 ErisDS

@sidorares Congrats! 🎉 Thank you SOOO much for getting this out! I will be interested to see you get the automation completed for the next release so that this process can be much easier for you! 👍 😃

silverbullettruck2001 avatar Nov 07 '22 11:11 silverbullettruck2001

@sidorares I am sorry to report that I think there is something odd going on with the RC that was generated. When I do an npm i to install 3.0.0-rc.1 it installs, but the when I try to specify authPlugins in the ConnectionOptions parameter it no longer has authPlugins as property. When I look at the ConnectionOptions interface in the index.d.ts file that it installed locally it doesn't match what is currently in source control. In the screenshot below you can see what is installed locally on the left hand side and what is in source control on the right hand side. Can this be fixed?


silverbullettruck2001 avatar Nov 07 '22 16:11 silverbullettruck2001