esp8266_milight_hub copied to clipboard
Controlling Phillips Hue Lamps with Milight RGBCCT FUT089 / Fut092 / B4 Remote Possible?
Hello community / @sidoh, I am trying to set up a system where I can control Phillips Hue spike lights (lily spot) with a Milight remote control.
I have set up a milight hub on an esp8266 d1 mini for which I have created a little custom motherboard which makes connections for the RFL2401 module and a dedicated 3v3 reg for the radio.
I have tried both 1.11.2 and 1.12.0 firmware but the firmware is not the problem in this case, everything is working fine. I have set up MQTT and can see messages coming through correctly when i set up a terminal and subscribe to the topic I have set up on a mosquitto broker.
I have set up diyHue version 1966117030 on a raspberry pi 5 and linked it to the Hue Essentials app along with the legit Phillips Hue Hub. Both sets of lights (Phillips Lily spot and a test RGBCCT strip with FUT0037 3-in-1 controller) work in the hue essentials app when i group them together, although I get very little control (only on/off works in the top right corner) in the diyhue interface.
My question is, are there particular topics i need to set up for the mqtt messages to be forwarded to the Hue bridge? I just cant seem to get this to work. I have verified my device ID for the remote I was testing (FUT089) which is 0x91FE
I have tried a few different topics in the Discovery prefix in diyhue such as
- milight/:device_id/:device_type/:group_id
- milight/0x91FE/fut089/+
- milight/state/0x91FE/fut089/2/ ...and a few other variations.
What am I doing wrong here? I would suspect I would only need to set up a "MQTT state topic pattern" so that only physical remote pressed are forwarded to the broker. But these messages must follow a particular format and (obviously) sending to the correct topic also.
Please can someone help me out? 👍
"firmware": "milight-hub",
"version": "1.12.0-beta1",
"ip_address": "",
"reset_reason": "Software/System restart",
"variant": "d1_mini",
"free_heap": 18720,
"arduino_version": "3.1.2",
"free_stack": 1192,
"flash_used": 7781,
"flash_total": 957314,
"flash_pct_free": 99,
"queue_stats": {
"length": 0,
"dropped_packets": 0
"admin_username": "",
"admin_password": "",
"ce_pin": 4,
"csn_pin": 15,
"reset_pin": 0,
"led_pin": -2,
"radio_interface_type": "nRF24",
"packet_repeats": 50,
"http_repeat_factor": 1,
"auto_restart_period": 0,
"mqtt_server": "",
"mqtt_username": "*******",
"mqtt_password": "***********",
"mqtt_topic_pattern": "milight/:device_id/:device_type/:group_id",
"mqtt_update_topic_pattern": "",
"mqtt_state_topic_pattern": "milight/state/:device_id/:device_type/:group_id",
"mqtt_client_status_topic": "",
"simple_mqtt_client_status": false,
"discovery_port": 48899,
"listen_repeats": 3,
"state_flush_interval": 10000,
"mqtt_state_rate_limit": 500,
"mqtt_debounce_delay": 500,
"mqtt_retain": true,
"packet_repeat_throttle_sensitivity": 0,
"packet_repeat_throttle_threshold": 200,
"packet_repeat_minimum": 3,
"enable_automatic_mode_switching": false,
"led_mode_wifi_config": "Fast toggle",
"led_mode_wifi_failed": "On",
"led_mode_operating": "Slow blip",
"led_mode_packet": "Flicker",
"led_mode_packet_count": 3,
"hostname": "milight-hub",
"rf24_power_level": "HIGH",
"rf24_listen_channel": "HIGH",
"wifi_static_ip": "",
"wifi_static_ip_gateway": "",
"wifi_static_ip_netmask": "",
"packet_repeats_per_loop": 10,
"home_assistant_discovery_prefix": "milight/light/:device_id/light/config",
"wifi_mode": "g",
"default_transition_period": 500,
"rf24_channels": [
"device_ids": [
"gateway_configs": [],
"group_state_fields": [