esp8266_milight_hub copied to clipboard
Nothing captured from 2 remotes
What is the model number of the device you're trying to control?
What firmware version(s) have you tried?
Lastest as of today.
Which ESP8266 board are you using? (nodemcu, d1_mini, etc.)
Wemos D1 Mini.
Which radio type are you using? (RGBW, RGB+CCT, etc.)
RGB+CCT I believe.
Have you tried controlling the device with a physical remote?
Yes. Trying to get the remote recognized by the hub.
Output of http://milight-hub.local/about and http://milight-hub.local/settings
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-- | --
firmware | "milight-hub"
version | "1.10.8"
ip_address | ""
reset_reason | "External System"
variant | "d1_mini"
free_heap | 18912
arduino_version | "2_4_2"
queue_stats |
length | 0
dropped_packets | 0
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-- | --
admin_username | ""
admin_password | ""
ce_pin | 4
csn_pin | 15
reset_pin | 0
led_pin | -2
radio_interface_type | "nRF24"
packet_repeats | 50
http_repeat_factor | 1
auto_restart_period | 0
mqtt_server | ""
mqtt_username | ""
mqtt_password | ""
mqtt_topic_pattern | ""
mqtt_update_topic_pattern | ""
mqtt_state_topic_pattern | ""
mqtt_client_status_topic | ""
simple_mqtt_client_status | false
discovery_port | 48899
listen_repeats | 3
state_flush_interval | 10000
mqtt_state_rate_limit | 500
mqtt_debounce_delay | 500
mqtt_retain | true
packet_repeat_throttle_sensitivity | 0
packet_repeat_throttle_threshold | 200
packet_repeat_minimum | 3
enable_automatic_mode_switching | false
led_mode_wifi_config | "Fast toggle"
led_mode_wifi_failed | "On"
led_mode_operating | "Slow blip"
led_mode_packet | "Flicker"
led_mode_packet_count | 3
hostname | "milight-hub"
rf24_power_level | "MAX"
rf24_listen_channel | "HIGH"
wifi_static_ip | ""
wifi_static_ip_gateway | ""
wifi_static_ip_netmask | ""
packet_repeats_per_loop | 10
home_assistant_discovery_prefix | ""
wifi_mode | "n"
default_transition_period | 500
rf24_channels |
0 | "LOW"
1 | "MID"
device_ids | []
gateway_configs | []
group_state_fields |
0 | "state"
1 | "brightness"
2 | "mode"
3 | "color_temp"
4 | "bulb_mode"
5 | "computed_color"
group_id_aliases | {}
There's absolutely no reaction while sniffing, I tried 2 different (known working) remotes. The remotes seem the same or similar to the ones I've seen used for this project, so I'd expect to see at least some kind of data flow. Any ideas here? I also tried 2 different NRF24L01 modules.
I was helped by adding 220 microF / 10V capacitors on the power supply, soft: milight_hub_d1_mini-1.10.8.bin
Thanks, but that didn't help for me, and I tried multiple (known clean) power supplies, too.
If you're sure the ESP8266/nRF24 setup is working (i.e., it functions as you expect with other remotes), it's likely that the remote you're using is a knockoff with slightly different RF parameters. It's unfortunately pretty impossible for me to help with this since I can't reproduce locally.
I could be wrong, but anything designated with that "2.4G" label uses a different protocol than the usual milight remotes
I have the exact same remote and ceiling light, with identical internals and everything, and I also have a RGB strip in my living room, with remote that looks like FUT098. I can capture packets from the FUT098 remote and control the RGB strip in my living room just fine (so looks like my ESP8266+NRF setup is working ok), but I can't capture packets from this FUT096 lookalike ceiling light remote, or control the ceiling light itself from ESP8266, unfortunately.
So is it a knockoff remote after all? Could it be that the protocol itself is pretty much identical, and if one can tweak some settings this remote and ceiling light could work with milight hub? Or is it a different protocol entirely?
I managed to capture SPI communication between MCU and PL1167 transmitter on my remote control board using a logic analyzer, and successfully replicate commands sent by the remote using openmili. In my case, syncword was 05 0A 55 AA, packets were sent on channels 4 and 74, packet size - 7 bytes. All other settings are default for milight (preamble - 3 bytes, trailer - 4 bits, CRC on). According to this spreadsheet, my settings are similar to FUT005/FUT006/FUT007, even though my remote is RGBW, not CCT, and looks more like FUT096, not like any of these 3. Weird.
Packet structure is: D8 D7 (doesn't change) Some kind of argument byte, brightness level from 20 to 2F for brightness command, A0 for all other types of commands 00 byte (doesn't change) Command type byte, 01 - on, 02 - off, 03 - warmer light temperature, 04 - "M" button (some kind of default light temp), 05 - colder light temperature, 0F - change brightness Some kind of counter byte, my remote increments this by 1 every time a command is sent, I have no idea why. I don't increment this counter in my code, and my ceiling light doesn't seem to care at all. 00 byte (doesn't change)
I didn't bother capturing RGB commands since I personally don't need them, but if someone actually cares to implement support of this remote and ceiling light into espMH, I can provide information on that.