esp8266_milight_hub copied to clipboard
settings not saved
If want to add a bulb: miboxer GU10 RGB+ CCT FUT103). I start with adding an UDP and add a remote type: ' RGB+ CCT' in the milight hub, the bulb works fine. But when I refresh my milght hub in my browser all my settings are gone and I have to add the bulb again. Is this a bug or do I make a mistake?
I use a nodemcu V3 with a NRF24L01 module.
"I start with adding an UDP" This is for interaction between MiLight-hub and another device (mostly a server like iobroker), but not a lamp.
The sequence to add a lamp:
- select (or add first) device_id
- select a remote type
- select a group
- type in a name and click on add (Name)....
maybe you can do this before and after... in the address bar of the browser type /settings ( something like: http://mylighthub/settings or and hit enter
(be carefull with sharing as username and passwords can be here) you get something like this: {"admin_username":"","admin_password":"","ce_pin":26,"csn_pin":5,"reset_pin":0,"led_pin":27,"radio_interface_type":"nRF24","packet_repeats":50,"http_repeat_factor":1,"auto_restart_period":0,"mqtt_server":"","mqtt_username":"","mqtt_password":"","mqtt_topic_pattern":"","mqtt_update_topic_pattern":"","mqtt_state_topic_pattern":"","mqtt_client_status_topic":"","simple_mqtt_client_status":false,"discovery_port":48899,"listen_repeats":3,"state_flush_interval":10000,"mqtt_state_rate_limit":500,"mqtt_debounce_delay":500,"mqtt_retain":true,"packet_repeat_throttle_sensitivity":0,"packet_repeat_throttle_threshold":200,"packet_repeat_minimum":3,"enable_automatic_mode_switching":false,"led_mode_wifi_config":"Fast toggle","led_mode_wifi_failed":"On","led_mode_operating":"Slow toggle","led_mode_packet":"Fast blip","led_mode_packet_count":4,"hostname":"milight-hub-esp32","rf24_power_level":"MAX","rf24_listen_channel":"MID","wifi_static_ip":"","wifi_static_ip_gateway":"","wifi_static_ip_netmask":"","packet_repeats_per_loop":10,"home_assistant_discovery_prefix":"","wifi_mode":"n","default_transition_period":500,"rf24_channels":["MID"],"device_ids":[3,4,10],"gateway_configs":[],"group_state_fields":["state","brightness","mode","color_temp","bulb_mode","computed_color"],"group_id_aliases":{"test 1 3":["cct",3,1],"test 8":["fut089",3,8],"test3 10":["rgb_cct",10,3],"test4 10":["rgb_cct",10,4],"testlamp":["fut089",3,3]}}
at the end you should see: "group_id_aliases": (this is an example:"test 8":["fut089",3,8]
- "test 8" -> the name I gave in step 4
- "fut89" -> the selected remote in step 2
- 3 -> the selected device id
- 8 -> group nbr
your added lamp config should end up here