cost-of-modules copied to clipboard
yarn support
I played with this a bit and there's a way to make this package work with yarn, so if someone wants to work on it, I just want to leave what code I tried:
diff --git a/src/helpers.js b/src/helpers.js
index c157a54..97eabd8 100644
--- a/src/helpers.js
+++ b/src/helpers.js
@@ -59,8 +59,20 @@ let setup = (includeDev) => {
Adds them with --include-dev
let getDependencyTree = () => {
- let result = syncExec(`npm ls --json ${productionModifier}`);
- return JSON.parse(result.stdout).dependencies;
+ let result = syncExec(`yarn list --json`);
+ const transform = (packages) => {
+ const out = {};
+ packages.forEach((x) => {
+ const names ="@");
+ const name = names[0] || "@" + names[1];
+ out[name] = { name };
+ if ("children" in x) {
+ out[name].dependencies = transform(x.children);
+ }
+ });
+ return out;
+ };
+ return transform(JSON.parse(result.stdout).data.trees);
p.s. this doesn't work for my project because it has the same issue as in #66
p.p.s. I'm trying out analyze-module-size
for now