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code for fast dropout
This repo contains loss functions for dropout / Gaussian ("fast") dropout and the delta method dropout. These methods are described in our papers
Sida Wang and Chris Manning. Fast dropout training. ICML2013,
Stefan Wager, Sida Wang and Percy Liang. Dropout Training as Adaptive Regularization. NIPS2013
If you have minFunc, you can execute the script run_experiment.m The example_data loaded are vectors from the atheism vs. christian newsgroup task. With the fixed random seed, I got:
DetDropout: 0.882188
Dropout: 0.882188
LR: 0.827489
Loss functions
Loss for logistic regression
These loss functions take weight w, data X, labels y and return the negative loglikihood nll and the gradient g.
These are all binary loss functions and they can be found in ./binaryLRloss Similar multiclass loss functions are in ./softmaxLoss
% w: model weights
% X: data of size numdata by dimdata in the design matrix convention.
% y: binary label vector
% ps: dropout rate
function [nll,g,H,T] = LogisticLoss(w,X,y)
% Baseline loss function from PMTK, with some optimizations
function [nll,g,H] = LogisticLossMCDropout(w,X,y,ps)
% Monte Carlo real dropout, single sample
function [nll,g,H] = LogisticLossMCDropoutSample(w,X,y,ps, miniter, numiter)
% Monte Carlo real dropout, numiter samples
function [nll,g] = LogisticLossDetObjDropout(w,X,y,ps)
% This is eq 8) of the ICML paper, intergrating the Gaussian
function [nll,g] = LogisticLossDetObjDropoutDelta(w,X,y,ps)
% Dropout loss via the Delta method, somewhat less accurate.
% Note this is the loss function used in our later NIPS paper "Dropout as adaptive regularization"
function [nll,g] = LogisticLossDetObjDropoutDeltaMoreData(w,X,y,ps,Xu,a)
% The semisupervised version used in "Dropout as adaptive regularization", where Xu is the unlabelled data, and a is the discounting coefficient.
function [nll,g] = LogisticLossMCDropoutSampleGauss(w,X,y,ps, numsample)
% Sample from the Gaussian
function [nll,g] = LogisticLossMCDropoutSampleGaussIntegrate(w,X,y,ps, numsample)
% Differenitate inside the expectation and then intergrate
function [nll,g] = LogisticLossMCDropoutSampleGaussNumDiff(w,X,y,ps, numsample)
% Use numerical diff to compute derivative
Loss for 2 layer neural networks
% W: weights, vectorized, @params decode contains how to intepret them
% X: data of size numdata by dimdata in the design matrix convention
% k: number of classes
% decode: information on how to decode w
% params: things like
% params.numsamples = 50;
% params.p = 0.5; % dropout rate
% params.p1 = 1; %dropout rate for bias
% y1ofn: labels in 1 out of n encoding, so numclass by numdata
function [nll,g, expHwdZ, labels] = Softmax2NN(W,X,k,decode,params,y1ofn)
% Baseline softmax classification with 2 layer NN
function [nll,g, expHwdZ, labels] = Softmax2NN_MCDropoutMulti(W,X,k,decode,params,y1ofn)
% Real dropout 2NN take many samples
function [se, g, yhat] = Linear2NNDet(W,X,k,decode,params,y)
% 2 layer NN for regression with fast dropout
function [nll,g, Mu3, labels] = LogisticOneVsAllDetLoss(W,X,k,decode, params,y1ofn)
% 2 layer NN for 1 vs. all classification with dropout
function [nll,g, EexpdZ, labels] = Softmax2NNLossFastSample(W,X,k,decode,params,y1ofn)
% Sample from the Gaussian
function [nll,g, weightedsum, labels] = Softmax2NNLossFastSigmaPoints(W,X,k,decode,params,y1ofn)
% Use Sigma point
minFunc can be found here:
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