gire icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
gire copied to clipboard

Self-hosted read-only Git mirroring


Gire ("git reflector", read as "gear") is a minimalistic read-only Git repository mirroring service for self-hosting.


# Clone and build

git clone

cd gire

docker build -t gire .

# Prepare configuration

mkdir -p run

ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -f run/gire_ed25519 -P ""
sudo chown git:git run/gire_ed25519
sudo chmod 755 run/gire_ed25519

ssh-keyscan > run/

ssh-add -L > run/

echo "- url:" > run/sources.yaml

# Run in background

docker run --rm -d --name gire \
    -v "$(pwd)/run/repositories:/app/repositories" \
    -v "$(pwd)/run/sources.yaml:/app/sources.yaml:ro" \
    -v "$(pwd)/run/gire_ed25519:/keys/id:ro" \
    -v "$(pwd)/run/" \
    -v "$(pwd)/run/" \
    -e GIRE_CRON="0 * * * * *" \
    -p 122:22 \

# Watch the logs to catch the moment when repository gets mirrored

docker logs -f gire

# Try cloning it back from Gire

git clone git@[localhost:122]:_/gire run/gire


Gire is configured using only environment variables as it is supposed to be always running in a container.

Available options with their default values:

# Unix user inside the container which will be used for providing access
# to Gire's repositories over SSH: GIRE_GIT_USER@address:repository
# Used only on container start - see

# Cron expression for source scanning / repository updates
# Format: seconds minutes hours day-of-month month day-of-week
# See

# Path to source configuration file

# Path to directory where all repositories will be stored

Default working directory in the container is /app

Setting up sources


- url: [email protected]:sibwaf/gire.git

- url:
  type: github
  groupName: gh-source-1
  authToken: 12345
    - ".*"
    - "test"

All properties are optional excluding url.

  • url - URL to the repository, behavior differs based on type
  • type
    • type: repository - default value, supports any url value which can be used in git clone $URL
    • type: github - integration with GitHub to effortlessly mirror multiple repositories at once
  • groupName - subdirectory of GIRE_REPOSITORY_PATH to store all repositories from this source; for type: repository default value is _
  • authToken - authentication token for integrations, supports environment variable expansion: authToken: $GITHUB_TOKEN
  • include - regular expressions for filtering URLs in multi-repository sources; empty include means "take everything"
  • exclude - regular expressions for excluding URLs in multi-repository sources; takes priority over include

All expressions in include / exclude lists are joined using OR:

# If the source provides URLs test0, test1, test2:
# test0 - ignore (missing in includes)
# test1 - mirror (present in includes, missing in excludes)
# test2 - ignore (exclude takes priority)

  - "test1"
  - "test2"
  - "test2"

Setting up SSH keys

The only authentication Gire supports is by using SSH keys.

Host keys

Mount your private key files to /keys in the container. Those must be owned by the git user (see GIRE_GIT_USER) and have correct permissions for SSH (755 or less).

Example: -v /home/USER/gire_key:/keys/id_ed25519

You can mount multiple files (id_rsa, id_ed25519, ...) at the same time - all of them will be used when starting sshd.

Trusted keys / known_hosts

Note: you can get the key using ssh-keyscan HOSTNAME which will result in one or more lines of format HOSTNAME ALGORIGHM KEY.

Cloning repositories into Gire with SSH requires having the server key in the $HOME/.ssh/known_hosts. Add them using:

  1. Environment variables GIRE_SSH_TRUSTED_1 .. GIRE_SSH_TRUSTED_99: -e GIRE_SSH_TRUSTED_1=" ssh-rsa ABCDE"
  2. File mounts into /keys/trusted. Each file might contain any number of keys, filenames don't matter.

All of those keys will be appended into $HOME/.ssh/known_hosts at start.

Authorized keys / authorized_keys

Note: this section assumes default value git for the GIRE_GIT_USER configuration variable. If you change it, the /home/git path should be replaced with the suitable home path. It's handled automatically when using the following configuration options.

Cloning repositories from Gire requires having client keys in the /home/git/.ssh/authorized_keys. Add them using:

  1. Environment variables GIRE_SSH_AUTHORIZED_1 .. GIRE_SSH_AUTHORIZED_99: -e GIRE_SSH_AUTHORIZED_1="ssh-rsa ABCDE [email protected]"
  2. File mounts into /keys/authorized. Each file might contain any number of keys, filenames don't matter.

All of those keys will be appended into /home/git/.ssh/authorized_keys at start.



Sources with type: github will use the provided URL to list all available repositories and synchronize all of them. Both users and organizations are supported.

To allow listing private repositories and/or raise the request rate limit you can provide your personal access token using the authToken property. Notice: Gire will pull all repositories using SSH, so you still need to have SSH keys configured to pull private repositories.

The URL is also used as prefix filter, so if you have permissions for repositories u1/aaaa and u2/bbbb:

  • url: will synchronize u1/aaaa only
  • url: will synchronize u2/bbbb only

By default, groupName value will be automatically extracted from the URL: -> USERNAME. You can override it by providing your own value in the source configuration.

See also:

  • []
  • []

Status reporting

Gire reports synchronization status to $GIRE_REPOSITORY_PATH/.gire.json which looks like this:

    "Timestamp": "2023-02-08T18:48:03.059294675Z",
    "Url": "[email protected]:sibwaf/gire",
    "Success": true,
    "Err": ""