Sibelius Seraphini

Results 442 comments of Sibelius Seraphini

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what is the best config for include/exclude? to exclude all node_modules in a monorepo?

Use @codesandbox instead

hey @titanism do you have any idea why this broke?

I'm trying to run all tests using docker I'm getting this error on mysql 5.7: Pulling from library/mysql ERROR: no matching manifest for linux/arm64/v8 in the manifest list entries I'm...

@titanism it was a question about @koa/router instrumentation Router.match is not working well anymore with koa 11 or koa 12, do you know if anything changed?

I'm getting this error when running using node ``` apm-agent-nodejs/test/instrumentation/modules/koa-router/shared.js:159 if (agent._transport.destroy) agent._transport.destroy() ^ TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'destroy') at resetAgent (apm-agent-nodejs/test/instrumentation/modules/koa-router/shared.js:159:26) at Test. (apm-agent-nodejs/test/instrumentation/modules/koa-router/shared.js:33:5) at Test.bound...

the env was the cause of the bug, thanks I will try to solve the koa 11/12 now to test against koa 12 I need to install koa 12 and...