jina_hack_2020_search_stories icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
jina_hack_2020_search_stories copied to clipboard



alt text alt text alt text alt text alt text alt text

How to run the projects


cd search_stories
python app.py search


cd rasa

Action Server

python -m rasa run actions 

Rasa Core Server

rasa run -p 5007 --cors "*" --debug

Flask Test Webpage

cd rasa
python app.py

More details on Jina and Rasa


python3 -m venv env/search_story_env
source env/search_story_env/bin/activate

pip install -U cookiecutter && cookiecutter gh:jina-ai/cookiecutter-jina

For the hack Search Stories, how the project was created:

project_name: Search Stories (non-default) jina_version: 0.5.5 project_slug: search_stories task_type: nlp (non-default) index_type: strings (non-default) public_port: 65482

After running cookiecutter, run:

cd search_stories ls

pip install -r requirements.txt

kaggle datasets download -d shubchat/1002-short-stories-from-project-guttenberg

General Kaggle Info To use the Kaggle API, sign up for a Kaggle account at https://www.kaggle.com. Then go to the 'Account' tab of your user profile (https://www.kaggle.com//account) and select 'Create API Token'. This will trigger the download of kaggle.json, a file containing your API credentials. Place this file in the location ~/.kaggle/kaggle.json (on Windows in the location C:\Users<Windows-username>.kaggle\kaggle.json - you can check the exact location, sans drive, with echo %HOMEPATH%). You can define a shell environment variable KAGGLE_CONFIG_DIR to change this location to $KAGGLE_CONFIG_DIR/kaggle.json (on Windows it will be %KAGGLE_CONFIG_DIR%\kaggle.json).

source ../get_data.sh

Index and run the App

export $MAX_DOCS=50000

python app.py search```


### Rasa

Creating Rasa project 

```python3 -m venv env/rasa_env
source env/rasa_env/bin/activate
mkdir rasa
cd rasa 

pip install -r requirements.txt

rasa init --no-prompt
rasa train
rasa run -p 5007 --cors "*" --debug
python -m rasa run actions```

Modify the rasa data and action server for integrating with Jina apis
