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SonarQube loses quality profiles after idling
Per!topic/sonarqube/tnSz1ugaYf0, the /opt/sonarqube/extension/plugins/
directory contains state, and must be mounted in a pvc as well.
Submitted pull request 9
Running into the same issue: Failed to execute goal org.sonarsource.scanner.maven:sonar-maven-plugin: (default-cli) on project jboss-tasks-rs: No quality profiles have been found, you probably don't have any language plugin installed.
Me too stopping and starting mini-shift causes jenkins failure:
Failed to execute goal org.sonarsource.scanner.maven:sonar-maven-plugin: (default-cli) on project jboss-tasks-rs: No quality profiles have been found, you probably don't have any language plugin installed. -> [Help 1]
same issue here ; apparently I've fixed it by logging on the SonarQube web portal as admin/admin, then MarketPlace, then install 'SonarJava' plugin, finally a SonarQube restart.
Thanks @fabiomartinelli I will try it. I just nuked :boom: the whole project and recreated it That works too but its a bit extreme. I like you approach better.
Didn't work for me, @fabiomartinelli. :( I'm now using this oc commands to recreate my sonarqube deploy when needed:
delete all minishift resources related to sonarqube:
$ oc delete svc sonarqube; oc delete route sonarqube; oc delete imagestream sonarqube;oc delete deploymentconfig sonarqube; oc delete svc postgresql-sonarqube; oc delete deploymentconfig postgresql-sonarqube; oc delete pvc postgresql-sonarqube-data; oc delete pvc sonarqube-data
recreate sonarqube:
$ oc new-app -f sonarqube-template.yaml --param=SONARQUBE_VERSION=6.7
Hope there is a solution so I don't have to do this everyday in the morning when I start using my laptop :P
Rather than using the application template, we've been deploying this ephemeral sonarqube container. We don't get the quality profiles issue. And it allows us to restart the container as needed rather than delete and recreate it. It's worked great for demos and workshops.
oc new-app oc expose service sonarqube