sia-host-dashboard icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
sia-host-dashboard copied to clipboard

A powerful web based monitoring dashboard for Sia hosts

Sia Host Dashboard is deprecated and replaced by the Sia Foundation's hostd

A simple and powerful dashboard for Sia network Hosts. Combines data for your node with data from the blockchain to provide accurate and powerful financial and health statistics for hosts.


  • Secure
  • Easy access from anywhere within local network
  • Monitor Connection Status
  • Smart health alerts
  • View historical data
  • Track storage and data usage
  • Track earned and potential income

host dashboard


  1. Download the latest release corresponding to your platform
  2. Open command prompt or terminal
  3. cd to the directory that the dashboard binary is located in
  4. Start the dashboard by running ./dashboard

Command Line Flags


Changes the path that host data is stored

dashboard --data-path /home/ubuntu/data


Changes the address and port that the dashboard will respond to

dashboard --listen-addr localhost:8885


Changes the address and port of the Sia API the dashboard accesses

dashboard --sia-addr localhost:9980


  1. Stop dashboard
  2. Download the latest release
  3. Replace old dashboard binary with downloaded one
  4. Start dashboard


The dashboard needs access to a running Sia node. To run the dashboard in a docker container requires using host networking for Sia and Dashboard or creating a separate docker network so containers can be accessed by name.

Host Networking

1. Change Sia to use host networking mode using --network="host"

docker run -d \
	--name sia \
	-v $(PWD)/data:/sia-data \

2. Start the dashboard container using the same --network="host"

The Sia container name from the last step is sia to point the dashboard to the proper location we use -e SIA_API_ADDR="sia:9980"

docker run -d \
	--name host-dashboard \
	--network="host" \
	-v $(PWD)/data:/data \

Custom Networking

1. Create a new docker network

docker network create sia-network

2. Add sia container to the new network by adding the --network sia-network flag to your docker run command

docker run -d \
	--name sia \
	-v $(PWD)/data:/sia-data \
	-p \
	-p 9981:9981 \
	-p 9982:9982 \

3. Start the dashboard container passing in the SIA_API_ADDR environment variable using the Sia container's name

The Sia container name from the last step is sia to point the dashboard to the proper location we use -e SIA_API_ADDR="sia:9980"

docker run -d \
	--name host-dashboard \
	--network="sia-network" \
	-p 8884:8884 \
	-v $(PWD)/data:/data \
	-e SIA_API_ADDR="sia:9980" \

Docker Compose

Below is a docker-compose example service to run Sia and Host Dashboard. Replace SIA_API_PASSWORD and SIA_WALLET_PASSWORD with your own passwords and the volume mounts with the correct volume paths

version: '3.0'
    image: siacentral/sia:latest
      - SIA_API_PASSWORD=asecureapipassword
      - SIA_WALLET_PASSWORD=asecurewalletpassword
      - ./sia-data:/sia-data
      - ./renter-data:/renter-data
      - ""
      - "9981:9981"
      - "9982:9982"
      - "9983:9983"
    restart: unless-stopped
    image: siacentral/host-dashboard:latest
      - sia-host
      - sia-host
      - SIA_API_ADDR=sia-host:9980
      - ./dashboard-data:/data
      - "8884:8884"
    restart: unless-stopped


Lint and fix

make lint

Package and run for development

make run

Build for current platform

make build

Build for all platforms

make release