Results 89 comments of shuzijun

waiting for dependencies to update

1.参考#17,为了避免闪烁,强制改成了鼠标 2,3 的原因是这个编辑器实质是一个浏览器,和原生的编辑器不同,暂时无法实现

Since android studio does not support JCEF and the built-in server requires authentication, which hinders the operation of this plugin.

Version 1.6+ has supported android studio, you can install jbr with jcef in the following way. 1. Install the plugin “Choose Runtime” 2. Select the corresponding jbr version to download...

Shortcut keys can meet these requirements. refer [hotkey](

Copied to wiki [Keyboard shortcut](

Sorry, I have no conditions to reproduce this problem. But I have a new discovery, such as **ctrl +**, there are multiple **+** on the keyboard, one of them is...

Test and paste under IDEA+Windows can run normally, including the ability to directly paste the clipboard image into the content, what is your operating environment? Because the right-click menu is...

Sorry there is no equipment to reproduce this problem.
