
Results 22 comments of shuse2

account / account.get no longer exist in v6 so closing this issue

I think event name needs to be cleaned up and make it more clear what is publishing. Instead of `block:change` we should publish `newBlock` or `deleteBlock` etc

`log` function is defined in event class extended from base class. the function name can be anything that make sense. context is given as first parameter, and `EventQueuer` is minimal...

``` 2022-09-14T09:07:42.382Z DEBUG engine 11581 [sender=00618fb492] Received IPC request 2022-09-14T09:07:42.387Z INFO engine 11581 [status=success method=system_getMetadata id=1] Handled RPC request 2022-09-14T09:07:42.388Z DEBUG engine 11581 [sender=00618fb492] Received IPC request...

We will look into how config is handled in other projects/products, and plan better solution. This config redesign should consider the problem about large genesis block. Since large genesis block...

Closing this issue since value added is small, and mostly already implemented

Closing this issue for no activity and value added is small