Stefano Ledda
Stefano Ledda
Hello michaelzs85, thank you for the great work that you are doing. Sadly those days are very busy and I didn't find the time to check the pull request. So...
Hello michaelz85, finally I found the time to examine all your excellent work, well done. I made a new branch named ESP32_Support. I made some changes: - No need to...
Hi woodlist, it could be a great leap for the library, but it need an important code restructuring and at this time I have no time for such changes (my...
Hello Nurries, the RGB Matrixes are bad beast to deal with the ESP8266 hardware. Keep in mind that 2dom (the PxMatrix author) use a clever way to bypass the lack...
I forgot, one more thing: download the master branch version, because it have some upgrades not published yet as official release.
The RGB matrices needs a lot of pin to work: you need at least: + six pins for RGB color components + four/five pins for row addressing + three pins...
Hello CCERocks, exactly! You can: - gather data with a Telegram Bot running in the Wemos, - send the data retrieved using a serial connection (or SPI, or I2C -...
Hi Alex, thank you for the suggestion. Actually I merged a pull request that enable the message editing - you can find it in the master branch. With message editing,...
Hello GOT666-Cyber, nice to hear that someone is trying to push limits far beyond :-D I never tried file bigger than 4MB, so I have to test it. BTW Telegram...
Hello bobcroft, the issue that you pointed out is due to a problem with the ArduinoJson v 6.20.0 library. I've done different tests with it, and actually the solution is...