Stefano Ledda
Stefano Ledda
Hello indirwanadi, this space is for issues related to the library. In other word, if you have issues related to your code, you should not use this tool. Anyway, every...
Hello bosoft-ESP, I added the functionality you asked for in the v 2.1.5 (with others patches) and a new release is on the way. Thanks fo using the library! Cheers...
Hello topsecretgtr, Basically Telegram service is intended as istant messaging system for humans; if you want a realtime system to display data, this one may be not the good one....
Hello Harry8914, as I said, actually it is impossible to speedup the communication process between Telegram server and the SOC (ESP8266/ESP32). If you need to update very quickly something (like...
Hello, I've just published a new release (2.1.2) that mitigate the sluggishness of the `getNewMessage()` method execution (form around 4 seconds to one second). It's not a real asynchronous solution...
Hello Alexander, very good point thank you! As you said, the timer must be cleared AFTER the Telegram response. Talking about your second question, I never encountered a long response...
Hello Alexander, maybe it can helps: I have just released a new version rebuilt from scratch: you can find it in the v3.0.0 branch. Basically it use the HTTPS POST...
Hello Jekyll, have you tried a very simple sketch to check it? I loaded on NodeMCU this very simple sketch, enabling the `CTBOT_DEBUG_MODE` in `CTBot.h` ``` #include "CTBot.h" CTBot myBot;...
Hello Andrey, maybe, are you using negative IDs when launching a `CTBot::sendMessage()`? They are tipically found in channelIDs and groupIDs... If yes, there was an issue #18: I published a...
Hello Andrey, Telegram bots are intended as "computer to human" interaction. In other words, they are not intended as "binary comunication", so the library too. You can still use the...