CTBot copied to clipboard
Why my bot get messages starting with 't'?
Hi all,
I am trying to develop a chatbot for plant monitoring, but it get messages only if the text string start with 't'
May you kindly help me to check what am I doing wrong here? Thank you.
Here's the code:
#include "CTBot.h" #include "Agrumino.h" #include "ArduinoJson.h"
Agrumino agrumino;
CTBot myBot;
String ssid = "ssid";
String pass = "pass";
String token = "......................................";
uint8_t led = 2;
void setup() { Serial.begin(9600);
agrumino.setup(); agrumino.turnBoardOn();
myBot.wifiConnect(ssid, pass);
if (myBot.testConnection()) Serial.println("\ntestConnection OK"); else Serial.println("\ntestConnection NOK");
void loop() { float temperature = agrumino.readTempC()-8; unsigned int soilMoisture = agrumino.readSoil(); float illuminance = agrumino.readLux(); float batteryVoltage = agrumino.readBatteryVoltage();
TBMessage msg; String t = String(temperature); String h = String(soilMoisture); String l = String(illuminance); String b = String(batteryVoltage);
//As you can see I've changed some variables so to make them starting with t (i.e. 'tLuce') and the sensor board is working.
if (CTBotMessageText == myBot.getNewMessage(msg)) {
if (msg.text.equalsIgnoreCase("Temperatura")) {
myBot.sendMessage(msg.sender.id, "misuro la temperatura...");
myBot.sendMessage(msg.sender.id, "ci sono " + t + "° C");
else if (msg.text.equalsIgnoreCase("tUmidità")) {
myBot.sendMessage(msg.sender.id, "misuro l'umidità...");
myBot.sendMessage(msg.sender.id, "l'umidità è " + h + "%");
else if (msg.text.equalsIgnoreCase("tLuce")) {
myBot.sendMessage(msg.sender.id, "misuro la luce...");
myBot.sendMessage(msg.sender.id, "la luce presente è " + l);
else if (msg.text.equalsIgnoreCase("tBatteria")) {
myBot.sendMessage(msg.sender.id, "misuro la batteria...");
myBot.sendMessage(msg.sender.id, "la batteria ha " + b + "V");
else {
String reply;
reply = (String)"Ciao " + msg.sender.username + (String)". Cosa vuoi sapere di Planty?";
myBot.sendMessage(msg.sender.id, reply);
delay(500); }
here's the serial monitor output:
11:53:27.689 -> Turning board on... 11:53:27.722 -> Lux Ver. 110 11:53:27.754 -> initLuxSensor → OK 11:53:27.754 -> initSoilSensor → OK 11:53:27.786 -> initTempSensor → OK 11:53:27.818 -> initGPIOExpander → OK 11:53:35.690 -> 11:53:35.690 -> testConnection OK 11:54:14.602 -> tluce 11:54:56.416 -> temp 11:56:01.033 -> tbatteria
and here's the chat: