Shuo Wu
Shuo Wu
`Actual Size` provided by the UI is the accurate disk space consumed by each volume replica.
No... Volume being detached means no running replica process capable of handling the snapshot files. If you want to release some space without requiring extra space, you can try to...
IIRC, No... What's the reason why the volume cannot be attached?
One workaround for this is, moving or deleting some replicas for some volumes to reclaim some space then the volumes can be attached.
YES. If somehow there is a replica that fails to expand the size then the volume gets detached, this issue may be triggered in the next attachment. In this user's...
> @shuo-wu Can we add a `--vol-size` in the start engine controller command? Then, the volume size from the volume CR can be the ground truth. Yes, we can. But...
> e.Status.CurrentSize is the nominal size of a volume. Before finishing expansion, the size is still the old size. Actually, the question here is, what if some of the replicas...
@derekbit Does this mean that asking Longhorn to start the CSI plugin automatically after kubelet/node restart would help fix this issue?
Yes. We need a separate doc that explains why and when the actual size can be greater than the spec size.
The doc/explanation related to the volume actual size is tracked in