video-chat icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
video-chat copied to clipboard

A video calling application that uses React and WebRTC to create a video chatting system that anybody can use without having to create an account and start contacting friends one on one or in groups....


This project was generated with React CLI version 17.0.2

This project was generated with Node.JS Open CLI version 14.16.1


npx create-react-app appname

Run npm start for a dev server. Navigate to http://localhost:3000/. The app will automatically reload if you change any of the source files.

packages and dependencies

add this script to index.html after

tag -> <script src=""> </script> <p>npm install</p> <p>npm install --save react-router-dom</p> <p>npm install --save react-redux redux</p> <p>npm install redux-devtools-extension --save</p> <p>npm install --save react-icons</p> <h1>Backend</h1> <p>Run <code>npm start</code> for a dev server. Navigate to <code>http://localhost:5000/</code></p> <h2>packages and dependencies</h2> <p>npm init -> set entry point as 'server.js'</p> <p>npm install --save express</p> <p>npm install --save</p> <p>npm install --save peer</p> <p>npm install --save uuid // for unique id of group calls</p> <h2>React Help</h2> <p>For help getting started with React, view our <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" >online documentation</a>, which offers tutorials, samples and guidance.</p> <h2>screenshots</h2> <p>Login</p> <img src="" width="800"> <p>Dashboard</p> <img src="" width="800"> <p>Calling</p> <img src="" width="800"> <img src="" width="800"> <p>Chat</p> <img src="" width="800"> <p>Group Call</p> <img src="" width="800">