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A gentle introduction to an flutter.
Flutter Ninja
A gentle introduction to an essential language.
This book aims to be a useful companion for anyone wishing to learn Flutter.
Table of contents
For your convenience, source code will be added shortly.
- Getting Started
- Introduction to mobile development
- Let's Flutter
- Setting up development environment
- Introduction to Dart
- Your First Flutter App
- Counter Example
- Route Management
- Package Management
- Resource Management
- Debugging
- Basic Widgets
- Introduction to Widgets
- State Management
- Button
- Picture and Icon
- RadioButton and CheckBox
- InputBox and Forms
- Progress Indicator
- Layout Widgets
- Introduction to Layout Widgets
- Linear Layout (Row, Column)
- Flex Layout (Flex)
- Flow Layout (Wrap,Flow)
- Stacked Layout (Stacked, Positioned)
- Alignment and Relative Positioning (Align
- Container Widgets
- Padding
- Size Restricted Container (ConstrainedBox, etc)
- DecoratedBox
- Transform
- Container
- Scaffold,TabBar,BottomNavigation
- Clip
- Scrollable Widgets
- Introduction to Scrollable Widgets
- SingleChildScrollView)
- ListView
- GridView
- CustomScrollView
- Monitoring and Controlling Scroll
- Functional Widgets
- Navigation Interception (WillPopScope)
- DataSharing (InheritedWidget)
- State Sharing (Provider)
- Color and Theme
- Async UI (FutureBuilder, StreamBuilder)
- DialogBox
- Event Handling and Notification
- Raw Pointer Event Handling
- Gesture Recognition
- Global EventBus
- Notification
- Animation
- Introduction to Animation
- Animation Structure
- Custom Routing Transition Animation
- Hero Animation
- Interlaced Animation
- AnimatedSwitcher
- Animation Transition Component
- Custom Components
- Introduction to Custom Components
- Combining Widgets
- Combination Example : TurnBox
- Self-Painted Widgets (CustomPaint and Canvas
- Self-Painting Example : ProgressBar
- File Operations and Network Requests
- File Operations
- Initiate HTTP request through HttpClient
- Http Request (Dio)
- Http Download in Blocks
- WebSocket
- Use Socket API
- JSON to Dart Model Class
- Packages and Plugins
- Package Development
- Introduction to Platform Channels
- Develop Flutter Plugin
- Developing Plugin (Implementing Android API)
- Developing Plugin (Implementing IOS API)
- Texture and Platform View
- Internationalization and Localization
- Multilingual App
- Implementing Localization
- Using Intl package
- FAQs about Internationalization
- Flutter Core Principles
- UI System
- Element and BuildContext
- RenderObject and RenderBox
- Flutter App from Startup to Display)
- Image Loading Caching
- A Complete Flutter Application
- Application Introduction
- Code Structure
- Model Class
- Global Variable and State Sharing
- Network Request Encapsulation
- Homepage
- Login Page
- Multi-Language and Multi-Theme
Du Wen
This ebook is a translation of work done by Du Wen, the founder of the "Flutter Chinese Network" community,
I took permission from the author of the ebook and does not take any responsibilities for any of his work.
Flutter China has many such developments and projetcs which remains hidden and could be bery useful if it
could be translated to english.
Original Ebook link - https://book.flutterchina.club/