Kyle Tse

Results 53 issues of Kyle Tse

Code: ``` $c = new HtmlPageCrawler('Paragraph 1 Paragraph 2Paragraph 3'); $c->filter('p')->first()->each(function($element) { $element->replaceWith('ff'); }); echo $c->saveHTML(); ``` Expected: ``` ff Paragraph 2Paragraph 3 ``` Actual: ``` Paragraph 1 Paragraph 2Paragraph...

Due to the urgent need in my project, hope it can help.

In original version, if we want to loop all the elements, we have code like this: ``` use \Wa72\HtmlPageDom\HtmlPageCrawler; $c = new HtmlPageCrawler('Paragraph 1 Paragraph 2Paragraph 3'); $c->filter('p')->each(function($element) { $element->html('hi');...

I want to watch the head and get the field if it changes. could you expose the reactive `getTags` or emit some events on adding/removing tag and values change? Thanks.


the thenable cannot omit the value for resolve(). ``` PHP Fatal error: Uncaught ArgumentCountError: Too few arguments to function GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise::resolve(), 0 passed ``` but it's very useful for just resolve...

Is there any recommendation on how to split the building codes into separate files with Pothos? > |- mutations | |- readArticle.ts | |- updateUser.ts |- querys | |- getUser.ts...

I am using nuxt3 and searching pwa module. Discovered here but it seems this project is dead for nearly two years. Is it still under maintainance?

I want to print a line with `failed` marked which has a red cross in front of the line and in red color. but that is not an error which...

I want to get the proper key (mixing upper and lower cases) from a string (lower case). How can I do without looping through the whole array? Here is my...
