Shain Singh
Shain Singh
- [ ] Create a recorded video demo (no audio) Video will be uploaded to [OWASP Youtube Channel](
- [ ] Is there existing cheatsheets at [OWASP Cheatsheets]( - [ ] If there is an existing cheatsheet, does it need updating at the source to cater for machine...
- [ ] Create a recorded video demo (no audio) Video will be uploaded to [OWASP Youtube Channel](
Machine Learning has a lot of terminology that may be new to people. Need to create a glossary page of commonly used terms.
- [ ] Create a recorded video demo (no audio) Video will be uploaded to [OWASP Youtube Channel](
- [ ] Create a recorded video demo (no audio) Video will be uploaded to [OWASP Youtube Channel](
- [ ] Is there existing cheatsheets at [OWASP Cheatsheets]( - [ ] If there is an existing cheatsheet, does it need updating at the source to cater for machine...
- [x] Assigned Lead Contributor for ML01 - [x] Update CODEOWNERS with contributor details Ideally the Lead Contributor for ML01 will also be assigned to the cheatsheet - ref: #147
- [ ] Create a recorded video demo (no audio) Video will be uploaded to [OWASP Youtube Channel](
- [ ] Is there existing cheatsheets at [OWASP Cheatsheets]( - [ ] If there is an existing cheatsheet, does it need updating at the source to cater for machine...