Splitting copied to clipboard
How to adding class each line?
I tried use code from documentation, it's not even wrapping line, instead just splitting words. Any idea how to adding class each line so i can animating per-line not per-word, thank you.
i want something like this anyway: https://somethinggood.no/
The lines plugin will add the --line-index css variable to each word, which you can use in your animation. For example:
span.word { transition-delay: calc(var(--line-index) * 250ms + 250ms); }
Having trouble with splitting by lines as well. The documentation is a little confusing (pretty new to coding). Do I still add data-splitting="words"
to my <p>
I wish this functionality existed. At the moment it just provides a CSS variable, which I can't animate using GSAP.
@elebumm I've heard you can use the GSAP SplitText plugin. However it is part of their Club Greensock membership.
Not tested this but to animate with gsap have you tried something like:
let myTl = gsap.timeline()
let delay = 0.3 //delay between lines in seconds
let dur = 0.3 //duration of animation
let words = Array.from(document.getElementsByClassName('word'));
words.forEach(word => {
let lineNum = getComputedStyle(word).getPropertyValue('--line-index');
myTl.to(word, dur, { y:"+=10px", ease: "Power2.EaseOut" }, lineNum*delay)