vue-inline-svg icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
vue-inline-svg copied to clipboard

Add http status to data field

Open kdumontnu opened this issue 3 years ago • 4 comments

I'm working on an implementation where it would be very helpful to have the status code of the request response. I think others might find this useful too.

kdumontnu avatar Apr 14 '21 23:04 kdumontnu

Maybe it will be more useful to save the whole request object then?

shrpne avatar Apr 15 '21 13:04 shrpne

Maybe it will be more useful to save the whole request object then?

Either is fine with me. If you think it's cleaner to save the request object I'm happy to make the change (also don't mind if you want to change it).

Thanks for the library btw.

kdumontnu avatar Apr 15 '21 14:04 kdumontnu

@shrpne any preference here? Status code is all I need. Might be simplest to just save the status as I have it here.

kdumontnu avatar Apr 20 '21 03:04 kdumontnu

Can you please update to save the whole request object and I will be glad to merge it

shrpne avatar Apr 20 '21 10:04 shrpne