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Indicate yati in praharṣiṇī and mallikāmālā
As mentioned here the yati of praharṣiṇī is after the third akṣara. one can observe that yati is properly followed here
The yatisthāna of mallikāmālā is placed after the eighth akṣara to avoid monotony of 3-4 (else mallikāmālā behaves as layānvita metre of drutamadhyāvartagati). This placement of yatisthāna is different from other vr̥tta-s where the yati occurs at the junction of different akṣaragati-s
(see page 189 of ಸೇಡಿಯಾಪು ಛಂದಸ್ಸಂಪುಟ)
@sridatta1 , बहु रुचिकरम् भोः। मत्तकोकिलम्, मल्लिकामालेत्येतयोः को भेदः?
अत्र त्वष्टाक्षरेभ्यः परं न दृश्यते यतिः -
मध्वमानसपद्मभानुसमं स्मरप्रतिमं स्मर स्निग्धनिर्मलशीतकांतिलसन्मुखं करुणोन्मुखम्। हृद्यकंबुसमानकंधरमक्षयं दुरितक्षयं स्निग्धसंस्तुतरौप्यपीठकृतालयं हरिमालयम् ॥१॥
बहु रुचिकरम् भोः। मत्तकोकिलम्, मल्लिकामालेत्येतयोः को भेदः?
mallikāmālā is itself commonly known as mattakokila in Telugu. In Kannada mattakokila refers to metre formed by replacing initial guru of rathoddhatā by two laghu-s which is also known as priyaṃvadā.
(From Jayadāman) also see
Though for sake of yatimaitri, yati is placed at 11th akṣara i.e. at beginning of third āvarta in Telugu
అన్యసన్నుత సాహసుండు మురారి యొత్తె యదూత్తముల్
ధన్యులై వినఁ బాంచజన్యము దారితాఖిలజంతు చై
తన్యమున్ భువనైకమాన్యము దారుణధ్వని భీతరా
జన్యమున్ బరిమూర్చితాఖిలశత్రుదానవసైన్యమున్.
अत्र त्वष्टाक्षरेभ्यः परं न दृश्यते यतिः -
Yati is placed at eighth akṣara so that a layānvita (satāla) metre behaves like a layarahita(vitāla) metre. Here it is rendered according to talas. layānvita metres are very much acceptable in stotras so they can be sung/recited to tāla. See
@sridatta1 Thanks for this, will add indications of yati for these two the next time I touch this code (hopefully soon).
I also hope to make the code/data representation simpler, so that anyone can contribute in a wiki-like fashion (at least by clicking "edit" in the github ui which creates a pull request that can be merged easily).
@shreevatsa Also in rucirā, Yati is after the fourth akshara. चतुर्ग्रहैरतिरुचिरा जभस्जगाः ॥ ३.७१ ॥( वृत्तरत्नाकरे) उपागतौ मिलितपरस्परोपमौ बहुश्रुतौ श्रुतिमधुरस्वरान्वितौ । विचक्षणौ विविधनरेन्द्रलक्षणौ कुशीलवौ कुशलवनामधारिणौ ॥
Apart from these popular metres, other (rarer) metres from VR where yati is not indicated.
yati after sixth akṣara
sanākavanitaṃ, nitambaruciraṃ ciraṃ suninadair, nadair vṛtam amum matā phalavato, vato rasaparā parāstavasudhā, sudhādhivasati BhKir_5.27
yati after sixth akṣara
one pada is two pādas of tanumadhyā
Prabhā (Mandākinī) = pramuditavadanā (In curated)
yati after seventh akṣara
Kṣamā (Candrikā, Utpalinī) (in Curated)
yati after seventh akṣara
I also hope to make the code/data representation simpler, so that anyone can contribute in a wiki-like fashion (at least by clicking "edit" in the github ui which creates a pull request that can be merged easily).
That's not a trivial task.
We should have a mechanism for denoting optional yati positions. यथा मल्लिकामालायां लयान्वितता चेदिष्टा यतिर् न भवति। कदाचिद् ११-माक्षरात् परम् भवेत्। कदाचिद् ८-माक्षरात् परम्। एवं वस्तुतः ३ छन्दांसि सिद्ध्यन्ति।
I also hope to make the code/data representation simpler, so that anyone can contribute in a wiki-like fashion (at least by clicking "edit" in the github ui which creates a pull request that can be merged easily).
@shreevatsa - while at it, I strongly recommend storing data as a list of JSON-s. Easy for humans to edit, extensible, easy for you to read. Output of your checker could be a lot richer - comments, links to books, links to videos etc.. and users can provide these as we see above.
(EDIT : Just noticed this example by @akprasad )
Cases where yati is indicated, but aren't specified in chandogranthas
('Śikhariṇī', 'LGGGGG–LLLLLGG—LLLG')
('Matta-mayūram', 'G G G G – G L L G G – L L G G')
yati is after 6th akṣara in Śikhariṇī 6+11
Mattamayūra after fourth akṣara 4+9
We don't find yati after 13th akṣara in Śikhariṇī or after 9th akṣara in all verses.
@sridatta1 Thanks, interesting… Shatavadhani Ganesh who once said he has read every chandograntha he is aware of the existence of, seems to indicate a caesura in Shikharini at those places (6+7+4 rather than 6+11): (Not explicitly but it's implied especially in the mention of the rhyme in the last example.) (Although one of the examples does have a word straddling the boundary, in tāmbū-la.) Will try to found out more. Where is your above image from?
Where is your above image from?
From Jayadāman
It contains List of Sanskrit metres from 10 important chandogranthas different names from different treatise are indicated.
Campakamālā metre of Kannada-Telugu has feeble yati after 11th akshara which is ignorable only few texts have indicated, others don't.
Out of the available verses in ancient Sanskrit literature (<10) only few have followed yati
here only Pingala and another one has indicated it
If second yati exists in Shikharini it would have been indicated in Jayadaman
In etc we don't find 6+7+4 in all verses Meghavisphurjita is hybrid of Mandakranta and Shikharini Here is mentioned after 12th letter Will write more later