leaflet-plugins copied to clipboard
No provision for kml PolyStyle <fill> tag
Even when PolyStyle
parseStyle: function (xml) {
var style = {}, poptions = {}, ioptions = {}, el, id;
// added the attribute fill
var attributes = {color: true, width: true, Icon: true, href: true, hotSpot: true, fill: true};
function _parse (xml) {
var options = {};
for (var i = 0; i < xml.childNodes.length; i++) {
var e = xml.childNodes[i];
var key = e.tagName;
if (!attributes[key]) { continue; }
if (key === 'hotSpot')
for (var j = 0; j < e.attributes.length; j++) {
options[e.attributes[j].name] = e.attributes[j].nodeValue;
} else {
var value = e.childNodes[0].nodeValue;
if (key === 'color') {
options.opacity = parseInt(value.substring(0, 2), 16) / 255.0;
options.color = '#' + value.substring(6, 8) + value.substring(4, 6) + value.substring(2, 4);
} else if (key === 'width') {
options.weight = value;
} else if (key === 'Icon') {
ioptions = _parse(e);
if (ioptions.href) { options.href = ioptions.href; }
} else if (key === 'href') {
options.href = value;
} else if (key === 'fill') { // adds the key for fill
options.fill = value;
return options;
el = xml.getElementsByTagName('LineStyle');
if (el && el[0]) { style = _parse(el[0]); }
el = xml.getElementsByTagName('PolyStyle');
if (el && el[0]) { poptions = _parse(el[0]); }
if (poptions.color) { style.fillColor = poptions.color; }
if (poptions.opacity) { style.fillOpacity = poptions.opacity; }
// sets fillOpacity to 0 if fill tag = 0 otherwise uses alpha
if (poptions.fill == 0) { style.fillOpacity = poptions.fill; }
el = xml.getElementsByTagName('IconStyle');
if (el && el[0]) { ioptions = _parse(el[0]); }
if (ioptions.href) {
style.icon = new L.KMLIcon({
iconUrl: ioptions.href,
shadowUrl: null,
anchorRef: {x: ioptions.x, y: ioptions.y},
anchorType: {x: ioptions.xunits, y: ioptions.yunits}
id = xml.getAttribute('id');
if (id && style) {
style.id = id;
return style;
Thx for the patch, can you provide a fiddle to show it in action please + propose your patch in a pull request ?