Programming-Contest-Data-Structure-and-Algorithm-by-Md.-Mahbubul-Hasan icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
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This repo contains solutions to the problems and exercises provided in "Programming Contest: Data Structures and Algorithm by Md Mahbubul Hasan" (2016).

Programming Contest: Data Structure & Algorithm by Md. Mahbubul Hasan (June, 2016)

This repo contains solutions to the problems and exercises provided in প্রোগ্রামিং কন্টেস্ট : ডেটা স্ট্রাকচার ও অ্যালগরিদম by মোঃ মাহবুবুল হাসান (2016). You are highly discouraged to look through the solutions without trying out a problem by yourself first.

Guidelines for Contributor

You are more than welcome to contribute and fix. Do standard issue > branch out > pull request.

  • Accepted programming languages : Haskell, Java, C, C++, C#, Python, Go, JavaScript and Rust.
  • Explanation languages : English and Bengali.
  • Explanation document : PDF and Markdown

Please raise an issue first then do a pull request later upon implementing it. Your unresponded issue will be closed after 30 days if you are unavailable.

Coding guidelines:

  • Do proper indentation.
  • Add comments so that people can relate to the explanations.
  • Follow the standards of your language.
  • If you are using a data structure specific to your language, mention the insertion/deletion/mutation/look up/prepend/append costs.
  • Include the driver code in the same file.


LightOJ, Codeforces, Timus, UVa, Codechef and other online judges have their own copyright and agreements. Go through them if you want to copy any content directly from them.

If you have any queries or want to get in touch with me, you can open a Discussion or simply mail me at [email protected] or give me a knock at LinkedIn.