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[Suggest] support relative path base URL config

Open ole3021 opened this issue 5 years ago • 1 comments


I load markdown and render as HTML in my website, but the markdown has several relative links like ![lagency-test](/assets/images/post/lagency-test.png)

Without a config for the correct base URL that saved the resource, it will automatically transform the resource to my current website domain. which will result in a 404 error.


Enable user to config relativePathBaseUrl inf the configuration, and auto add the baseUrl before all the relative path that found in the links in the generated HTML file.

Let me know if there have any workaround or any suggestions. Cheers

ole3021 avatar Jun 13 '19 15:06 ole3021

I have the same problem, is there any solution currently?

lijialiang avatar Jan 11 '21 09:01 lijialiang