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Prettify extension for Showdown.js

Showdown's Prettify Extension

Build Status npm version npm version

An extension to add Google Prettify hints to showdown's HTML output


With npm

npm install showdown-prettify

With bower

bower install showdown-prettify


You can also download the latest release zip or tarball and include it in your webpage, after showdown:

<script src="showdown.min.js">
<script src="showdown-prettify.min.js">

Enabling the extension

After including the extension in your application, you just need to enable it in showdown.

var converter = new showdown.Converter({extensions: ['prettify']});


var converter = new showdown.Converter({extensions: ['prettify']}),
    input = "Here's a simple hello world in javascript:\n" +
            "\n" +
            "    alert('Hello World!');\n" +
            "\n" +
            "The `alert` function is a build-in global from `window`.";
    html = converter.makeHtml(input);

This should output the equivalent to:

<p>Here's a simple hello world in javascript:</p>

<pre class="prettyprint linenums" tabIndex="0"><code data-inner="1">alert('Hello World!');

<p>The <code class="prettyprint">alert</code> function is a build-in global from <code class="prettyprint">window</code>.</p>


These files are distributed under BSD license. For more information, please check the LICENSE file in the source code.