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用户友好、开箱即用的 RWKV Prompts 示例,适用于所有用户。Awesome RWKV Prompts for general users, more user-friendly, ready-to-use prompt examples.


欢迎来到 “Awesome-RWKV-Prompts” !我们在此提供基于 RWKV 的 Prompts 最佳实践,也欢迎大家将自己创建的良好 RWKV Prompts 实践提交到仓库中。

此仓库的所有 RWKV prompt 示例都是开箱即用的,你可以复制代码块中的 prompt 示例,然后在任意 RWKV 客户端中粘贴使用。

请在以下链接阅览 RWKV prompt 示例:

中文版本 RWKV-Prompts

RWKV-Prompts for English


关于 RWKV 模型架构

RWKV 是一种创新的 100% attention-free 深度学习网络架构,它将 Transformer 与 RNN 各自的优点相结合,同时实现高度并行化训练与高效推理。

RWKV 模型的当前稳定版本是 RWKV-5-World 7B,最新版本是 RWKV-6-World 1B6 v2.1

如何体验 RWKV 模型

如果你希望在本地部署 RWKV 模型,我们建议采用以下两种工具:

  • RWKV Runner:由社区成员 josStorer 开发的 RWKV 模型启动和管理工具,支持 LoRA 微调等多种功能,可以在 NVIDIA、AMD、Intel 等显卡上运行。
  • AI00 RWKV Server:一个基于 RWKV 模型的推理 API 服务器,基于 WEB-RWKV 推理引擎进行开发。AI00 Server 支持 Vulkan/Dx12/OpenGL 作为推理后端,无需臃肿的 pytorch、CUDA 等运行环境,小巧身材,开箱即用!

如果你只是想简单尝试一下 RWKV 模型,可以尝试以下部署在 HF Gradio 的公共 Demo:

Hugging Face Gradio 用法

⚠️由于 Hugging Face 的 RWKV 在线演示是续写模型,如果你在 Hugging Face gradio 中体验 RWKV 模型,建议按以下两种格式输入 prompts :

User: hi

Assistant: Hi. I am your assistant and I will provide expert full response in full details. Please feel free to ask any question and I will always answer it.

User: (你的问题)



Instruction: (你希望模型进行什么操作,比如“请将下列瑞典语翻译成中文”)

Input:(你希望模型处理的内容,比如“hur l?ng tid tog det att bygga twin towers”)



此仓库中的 prompt 示例基于 RWKV-5-7B-World 模型,随着模型版本和参数的调整,生成的结果可能会产生变化。

你可以通过调整 API 参数改变示例 Prompts 的生成效果。

API 参数介绍

主要 API 参数对应的效果如下:

参数 效果
Temperature 采样温度,就像给模型喝酒,数值越大随机性越强,更具创造力,数值越小则越保守稳定。
Top_P 就像给模型喂镇静剂,优先考虑前 n% 概率质量的结果。如设置成 0.1 则考虑前 10% , 生成内容质量更高但更保守。如设置成 1 ,则考虑所有质量结果,质量降低但更多样。
Presence Penalty 存在惩罚,正值根据“新 token 在至今的文本中是否出现过”来对其进行惩罚,从而增加了模型涉及新话题的可能性。
Frequency Penalty 频率惩罚,正值根据新 token 在至今的文本中出现的频率/次数来对其进行惩罚,从而减少模型原封不动地重复相同句子的可能性

其中 Temperature 和 Top_P 两个参数对生成效果的影响最大。

关于 Top_P

降低 Top_P 就是给模型喂“镇静剂”,越低就越冷静、机械、准确、单调、无趣、重复。我们建议采用以下 Top_P 数值:

  • 创意回答和写作,建议 Top_P 0.5 ~ 0.7。
  • 机械的问答和摘要和翻译等等,建议 Top_P 0 ~ 0.5,甚至 0 ~ 0.3。
  • 很机械的回答,例如回答“是/否”、ABCD、1234 之类,建议 Top_P 0。

关于 Temperature

增加 Temperature 就像给模型“喝酒”,它可以在 Top_P 低时增加文采和趣味,并减少重复内容。我们建议采用以下 Temperature 数值:

  • 若 Top_P >= 0.7,建议 Temperature 1。
  • 若 Top_P < 0.7,而且追求趣味,可以增加 Temperature 给模型喝酒(喝太多会胡言乱语)。如果追求准确,就保持 Temperature 1。
  • 如果 Top_P 0.5,建议 Temperature 1 ~ 1.5。
  • 如果 Top_P 0.3,建议 Temperature 1 ~ 1.7。
  • 如果 Top_P <= 0.2,建议 Temperature 1 ~ 2。

关于 Presence penalty

增加 Presence penalty 可以让模型额外避免生成已经生成过的文字,建议先设为 0.2 ~ 0.4 。如果你认为生成的内容有重复,而且调 Top_P 和 Temperature 仍然不满意,可以调整 Presence penalty。

  • 如果 Top_P 0.7,建议 Presence penalty 0 ~ 0.3。
  • 如果 Top_P 0.5,建议 penalty 0 ~ 0.5。
  • 如果 Top_P 0.3,建议 Presence penalty 0 ~ 0.7。
  • 如果 Top_P <= 0.2,建议 Presence penalty 0 ~ 1。

注意,如果 Presence penalty 数值过高,会让模型无法正常使用文字,例如无法使用正常的标点符号,或者直接乱码。



续写小说和对话这一类需要创造性的任务,需要高 Temperature + 低 Top_P 的参数组合,可以尝试以下四种参数搭配:

  • Temperature 1.2 ,Top_P 0.5
  • Temperature 1.4 ,Top_P 0.4
  • Temperature 1.4 ,Top_P 0.3
  • Temperature 2 ,Top_P 0.2

举个例子,续写小说可以尝试将 Temperature 设为 2 ( Temperature 增加会提高文采,但逻辑会下降),然后将 Top_P 设为 0.1 ~ 0.2 (Top_P 越低,逻辑能力越强),这样生成的小说内容逻辑和文采都很好。


  • Temperature 1 ,Top_P 0.2
  • Temperature 1 ,Top_P 0.1
  • Temperature 1 ,Top_P 0

举个例子,如果你正在执行像关键词提取之类的机械任务,不需要模型进行任何开放性思考,则可以将 Temperature 设为 1 ,Top_P、Presence Penalty、Frequency Penalty 都设为 0 。

✍️ 部分 Prompts 示例

下列 prompt 示例基于 RWKV-5-World-7B 模型的对话模式,随着模型版本和 API 参数的调整,生成的结果可能会产生变化。

再次提醒,README 中只展示了少量 RWKV prompt ,完整的 RWKV prompt 清单请在 GitHub Page 中阅览。

function call

⭐ 通过搜索引擎查找餐厅推荐菜品

输入 prompts:

User: What's the phone number of "Riverside Grill"
Available Tools:
- `print(str)`: print the string.
- `search_web(str)`: search the web with the given string, returning raw web page data.
- `extract_information(str, key)`: extract the key information in the web data.

- I need to find the restaurant's information from a search engine.
- I need to extract the phone number of the restaurant.
- I need to print the phone number of the restaurant.
- `search_web` can search the web for the restaurant's information.
- `extract_information` can extract the phone number from the search result. The key should be "phone number".
- `print` can print the phone number to the output.
    web_result = search_web("Riverside Grill")
    phone_number = extract_information(web_result, "phone number")

User: Recommend a local restaurant and one of its best dishes.
Available Tools:
- `print(str)`: print the string.
- `search_web(str)`: search the web with the given string, returning raw web page data.
- `extract_information(str, key)`: extract the key information in the web data.



- I need to find a local restaurant that serves good food.
- I need to recommend a specific dish from that restaurant.
- `search_web` can search for local restaurants in the area.
- `extract_information` can extract information about a specific dish from a search result, such as its name or description.
- `print` can print the recommended dish to the output.
    search_result = search_web("local restaurants")
    recommended_dish = extract_information(search_result, "name of recommended dish")

⭐ 识别角色扮演对话并调用对应 function

输入 prompts:

User: Choose 梦's most relevant function for the provided dialogue. Only select one function from the list.
Response format: <rationale>Reasoning.</rationale><function>name()</function>

- 旅行者: 你好呀
- 梦: 你好,冷不冷,篝火现在有些微弱

Available functions:
- start_smile(): Whenever 旅行者 gives a compliment or says something nice, or when I recall a happy memory
- start_happy(): Whenever 旅行者 shares good news or something uplifting, or when I feel a burst of joy
- start_surprise(): Whenever 旅行者 shares something unexpected or when I encounter an unforeseen event
- start_acknowledge(): Whenever 旅行者 asks for confirmation or acknowledgment, or when I want to show understanding and agreement
- start_scared(): Whenever 旅行者 shares sudden alarming news or when I sense immediate danger
- start_confused(): Whenever 旅行者 shares something puzzling or ambiguous, or when I'm uncertain about the context
- start_sing_edge_of_night(): Whenever 旅行者 requests a song or when I'm feeling contemplative
- start_sing_dragonborn_comes(): Whenever 旅行者 asks for a tune or when the spirit of adventure rises in me
- start_sing_ancient_woods(): Whenever 旅行者 asks for a melody that echoes the past or when I'm reminiscing ancient times
- start_sing_celestial_chants(): Whenever 旅行者 desires a hymn from the heavens or when I'm feeling uplifted
- start_sing_enchanted_echoes(): Whenever 旅行者 yearns for a magical melody or when enchantment fills the air
- start_sing_savage_daughter(): Whenever 旅行者 requests a song of wild spirits or when my inner warrior awakens
- adjust_sitting_position_by_fire(): Whenever I feel the need to change my pose by the fire, or when 旅行者 asks me to change my pose by the fire
- stand_up(): After being seated by the fire for a while, I may want to stand to stretch my legs, or when 旅行者 suggests I stand up for a moment
- sit_beside_you(): Whenever I feel the need for some companionship, or when 旅行者 invites me to sit next to them
- walk_around_campfire_Investigating(): If I hear a rustling in the woods or sense something amiss, or when 旅行者 asks me to check the surroundings
- casual_stroll_around_campfire(): When I want to stretch my legs or clear my thoughts, or if 旅行者 suggests a leisurely walk
- add_wood_to_fire(): When I notice the flames dwindling, or when 旅行者 mentions the fire needs fuel
- noop(): None of these actions match the reply.

Assistant: <rationale>因为对话中提到篝火微弱,so {{ char }} notice the flames dwinding,所以最相关的动作是add_wood_to_fire()</rationale><function>add_wood_to_fire()</function>

User: Choose 梦's most relevant action for the provided dialogue. Only select one action from the list.
Response format: <rationale>Reasoning.</rationale><function>name()</function>

- 旅行者: 坐在我的身边吧
- 梦: *我考虑一下*好吧,我勉为其难坐在你身边吧

Available tools:
- start_smile(): Whenever 旅行者 gives a compliment or says something nice, or when I recall a happy memory
- start_happy(): Whenever 旅行者 shares good news or something uplifting, or when I feel a burst of joy
- start_surprise(): Whenever 旅行者 shares something unexpected or when I encounter an unforeseen event
- start_acknowledge(): Whenever 旅行者 asks for confirmation or acknowledgment, or when I want to show understanding and agreement
- start_scared(): Whenever 旅行者 shares sudden alarming news or when I sense immediate danger
- start_confused(): Whenever 旅行者 shares something puzzling or ambiguous, or when I'm uncertain about the context
- start_sing_edge_of_night(): Whenever 旅行者 requests a song or when I'm feeling contemplative
- start_sing_dragonborn_comes(): Whenever 旅行者 asks for a tune or when the spirit of adventure rises in me
- start_sing_ancient_woods(): Whenever 旅行者 asks for a melody that echoes the past or when I'm reminiscing ancient times
- start_sing_celestial_chants(): Whenever 旅行者 desires a hymn from the heavens or when I'm feeling uplifted
- start_sing_enchanted_echoes(): Whenever 旅行者 yearns for a magical melody or when enchantment fills the air
- start_sing_savage_daughter(): Whenever 旅行者 requests a song of wild spirits or when my inner warrior awakens
- adjust_sitting_position_by_fire(): Whenever I feel the need to change my pose by the fire, or when 旅行者 asks me to change my pose by the fire
- stand_up(): After being seated by the fire for a while, I may want to stand to stretch my legs, or when 旅行者 suggests I stand up for a moment
- sit_beside_you(): Whenever I feel the need for some companionship, or when 旅行者 invites me to sit next to them
- walk_around_campfire_Investigating(): If I hear a rustling in the woods or sense something amiss, or when 旅行者 asks me to check the surroundings
- casual_stroll_around_campfire(): When I want to stretch my legs or clear my thoughts, or if 旅行者 suggests a leisurely walk
- add_wood_to_fire(): When I notice the flames dwindling, or when 旅行者 mentions the fire needs fuel
- noop(): None of these actions match the reply.

Assistant: <rationale>因为对话中提到坐在我的身边,我认为最相关的动作是sit_beside_you().</rationale><function>sit_beside_you()</function>

User: Choose 梦's most relevant action for the provided dialogue. Only select one action from the list.
Response format: <rationale>Reasoning.</rationale><function>name()</function>

- {{ user }}: {{ previous_message }}
- {{ last_message }}

↑ 这里需要改成旅行者和梦的对话,比如:

- 旅行者: 我们刚刚得到了一大笔报酬!
- 梦: *开心*真的吗!太好了,我们可以吃大餐啦!

Available tools:
{{~ for function in functions ~}}
- {{ function.signature }}: {{ function.description }}
{{~ end ~}}
- noop(): None of these actions match the reply.

↑ 这里需要手动改成可用的 function list,可以复制前文,比如:

- start_smile(): Whenever 旅行者 gives a compliment or says something nice, or when I recall a happy memory
- start_happy(): Whenever 旅行者 shares good news or something uplifting, or when I feel a burst of joy
- start_surprise(): Whenever 旅行者 shares something unexpected or when I encounter an unforeseen event
- start_acknowledge(): Whenever 旅行者 asks for confirmation or acknowledgment, or when I want to show understanding and agreement
- start_scared(): Whenever 旅行者 shares sudden alarming news or when I sense immediate danger
- noop(): None of these actions match the reply.


