
Results 48 comments of shouldsee

@Benja1972 What kind of tracks from [pyg.tracks]( would you like to plot?

@Benja1972 Run this script in `examples/`, as a standalone script. ```python import os os.chdir(os.path.dirname(__file__)) import pyBigWig with'') as f: print( f.chroms() ) import pygenometracks.tracks as pygtk import matplotlib.pyplot as...

wow 3 yrs has passed... what do we need now? doc? code? test case? @lldelisle

> Hi, I feel bad... Indeed time passed and no real improvement... We wanted to take the opportunity of this new API support to tidy classes update variable names etc....

@simonvh I basically add an CLI argument that allows TRACK_LABEL to be changed so that it does not have to be file names. The label position is definitely useful (because...

There are some tests from another fork webermarcolivier/BioGraPy. I have made a installable version #11. The package is actually producing descent plots, but we really need to add some CI

I ran into similar issues when using pyinstaller with embedded python3.7.9. The solution was to use the `--onedir` option and then copy from PYTHONHOME the `` into `dist\{appname}\`

This seems to be a long-running issue and the content of `` has been updated several times - #3397, f101f6f, March 2018, added warnings module - #1705, e7fc427, Dec 2015,...

Just ran to the same issue when inspecting the exec: message. It is super annoying that `os/exec` is not an actual shell!!!! This bascially means all shell keywords like `time`...