Jason Krol
Jason Krol
Awesome work! This looks great and I appreciate the PR for it! If I might make a few tiny suggestions: 1. Might make sense to just submit this PR to...
Awesome! To get started I posted an article on testing node at http://kroltech.com that should help. Thanks again for contributing!
Im having the same issue - ive created the API token, updated my jira-cli/config.json to ensure that my url, user, and token are correct, and just cant get `jira ls`...
Hi Mark, I would start here: (C:\Users\Mark_TEST\nodebook-master\nodebook-master\chapter7\models\image.js:16:30) Specifically line 16. That error typically means that you're running .replace on a variable or property thats undefined. So if you have an...
Hey Mark, Interesting. I just did the same, cloned the repo fresh, went into Chapter7 and did npm install && node server.js and it loaded up fine (after I made...
Im going to try to run this on my other Windows PC when I get home a little later and see what happens. Sorry about this. I havent seen this...
Very weird. I just tried on a Windows 8 PC and all went well. If anything I would say maybe delete the repo and try again. Also double check the...