Grant Ridder
Grant Ridder
@josephholsten counter point: i want to setup a single mongo instance without much config thoughts?
That works, going to move this to v2 to avoid making v1 too complicated
Happened again... any suggestions on things to try? Might try and dig into the lita-slack code when i have time ``` [2016-05-25 20:23:19 UTC] DEBUG: presence_change event received from Slack...
the `nil` event seems to be what causes slack to disconnect going to dig in a see if i can add more debug logging to figure out more about what...
> does that call work? No, the ssh_keys array does not get passed onto the droplet for creation. I am unable to ssh to the new droplet. If i create...
@CloudCowboyCo the ssh key i am trying to pass in the array already exists on DO. That is verified with the first line of the output in my original post...
Thanks, i am using the knife-digital_ocean gem to create the droplets (already ruled that out since i know that the ssh key is being passed to stuff in the `droplet_kit`...
Done, thanks
@jwadolowski nope, by the time digital ocean support got back to be I was unable to reproduce the issue
one thing i had thought about doing, but never did was to do a root password reset then use that to login through the web shell interface and see if...