Clément Vannicatte

Results 85 comments of Clément Vannicatte

> emailed support to ask how to link mdanalysis index to my dashboard and/or get access to the new(?) Crawler management interface to see(?) the index Users will receive access...

- previous crawl: 67k records - new crawl: 85k records

> I am now using a scraper with disabled index submission for testing, see That's a good idea! It would be nice to see it as an option indeed...

Hey `facetFilters` are automatically sent with the `contextualSearch` option on Docusaurus v2:

Thanks for the feedback @mojavelinux. Is your request only for the `search` page or the DocSearch modal v2/v3? We try to categorize the results of the modal so the user...

Thanks for reporting! That's a funny behavior 🤔 > I also noticed situations where titles were incorrect until Safari updated the UI and displayed the correct titles afterward. Indeed, moving...

Hi @meteorlxy, Thanks for opening this issue. 1. DocSearch is based on other Algolia librairies, such as Autocomplete, which also requires the `allowSyntheticDefaultImports` option. To keep our librairies aligned, we...

> For example, using @docsearch/react in Vite.js projects requires manual fiddling to replace require("react") with require("preact/compat"). Easing the Vue integrations is the missing part of releasing the stable v3 IMO....

> FYI @shortcuts Vite isn't exclusive to Vue, it can just as well be used in a Preact site, like done here Yes indeed, I was referring to Vue because...

> This is the kind of features that we want to be opinionated about, and not create disparities in the DocSearch ecosystem. It's clearly the reason why I wasn't sure...