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Pentesting suite for Maltego based on data in a Metasploit database
msploitego - The Pentesting suite for Maltego
THIS IS A BETA RELEASE, please be nice and report any issues
Whats New
- New Features
- Now supporting multiple workspaces for Metasploit via Postgres queries
- A bash script that runs tons of auxiliary modules against targets. Really 'fattens' up the Metasploit DB
- transforms:
- Enum Metasploit Workspaces
- Nikto Parser [from file]
- Enum4linux paser from file
- DNS scan
- Bug Fixs
- nmap based transforms returning false negative
- bad paths
msploitego leverages the data gathered in a Metasploit database by enumerating and creating specific entities for services. Services like samba, smtp, snmp, http have transforms to enumerate even further. Entities can either be loaded from a Metasploit XML file or taken directly from the Postgres msf database
I am open to hearing suggestions for new transforms and enhancements!!!
- Python 2.7
- Has only been tested on Kali Linux
- software installations
- Metasploit Framework
- nmap
- enum4linux
- snmp-check
- nikto
- exploitdb
- wpscan
- In Maltego import config from msploitego/src/msploitego/resources/maltego/msploitego.mtz
- checkout and update the transform path inside Maltego
- easiest way would be to create a symbolic link to the transforms directory in /root/)
- ln -s /path/to/your/msploitego/src/msploitego/transforms /root/
General Use
Using exported Metasploit xml file
- run a db_nmap scan in metatasploit, or import a previous scan
msf> db_nmap -vvvv -T5 -A -sS -ST -Pn
msf> db_import /path/to/your/nmapfile.xml
export the database to an xml file
msf> db_export -f xml /path/to/your/output.xml
In Maltego drag a MetasploitDBXML entity onto the graph.
Update the entity with the path to your metasploit database file.
run the MetasploitDB transform to enumerate hosts.
from there several transforms are available to enumerate services, vulnerabilities stored in the metasploit DB
- This method is not recommended due to performance constraints. If the XML file is large then running transforms will consume a lot of memory
Using Postgres(recommended!)
- drag and drop a Postgresql DB entity onto the canvas, enter DB details.
- run the Postgresql transforms directly against a running DB
- if you dont know the password for your postgresql instance look in /usr/share/metasploit-framework/config/database.yml
- Start by beefing up your Metasploit DB
- look at in the scripts directory. It's run nmap and then tons of auxiliary modules to fatten up your Metasploit DB.
- run a detailed nmap scan. i.e. db_nmap -vvvv -sS -sV -sU -A -T5
- Import results from Nessus or OpenVAS into Metasploit and use the Enum Vulnerabilities transform.
- Run the auxiliary/crawler/msfcrawler on all http/https ports. This will gather useful data.
- Run nikto scan with xml output then enter the full path filename in the 'Nikto File' field. Run the Nikto parser to enumerate.
- Connect directly to the postgres database - BETA
- Much, much, much more tranforms for actions on generated entities.
Known Issues
- some Metasploit enitities like loot files sometimes contain a bad character which the MaltegoTransform class cannot process. This causes an exception and nothing returned. I've beaten my head against the wall trying to 'cleanse'/decode the data but to no avail.