when we are using bulk_write mode as true we are getting null point exception while turning it off resolves it. for reference the rows_key column used is not unique but...
Here is my use case. We are trying to insert 18 million records in filoDB using parquet files. we have around 39 columns in records. Below is the schema definition...
Hi, I will be much appreciated if we can get some timeline for the fix as this is a complete blocked for our POC. Currently we have around 3 POCs...
Hi, Thanks for providing valuable suggestion for the data compression. I have changed the compression algo in the filodb-defaults.conf file and currently using DeflateCompression. Now the chunck size has been...
Hi, Thanks for providing fix for NPE in quick time. I have tested the fix against 18 million records, unfortunately it is still failing with NPE intermitently. PFB the error...
Hi, Yes i have replaced the filo-scala version in build.sbt file and changed it to 0.3.7. then i have recreated the build using below commands sbt clean ./fil0-cli --command init...
Hi, I have rebuild the Filo jar using 0.3.7 version in build.sbt. PFB the snapshot of the jar imported during initialization. nfo] Including: logback-core-1.0.7.jar [info] Including: jnr-ffi-2.1.6.jar [info] Including: jffi-1.2.16-native.jar...
Hi, We are in india Time Zone. It will be really helpful if we could connect for one session, We will be able to present the entire scenario since this...
9:45 am pst should be fine with us..Thanks for providing time..shall i send you webex link for tomorrow meet?
Hi, PFB the meeting invite. Password: Y8iHfTZP I have scheduled the meeting for 9:30 PM IST. Let me know in case you have any issues while joining meeting. Thanks.