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Demo related artifacts/datasets for PXF

Demo Instructions


  1. Hdfs, Hive, HBase setup
  2. HAWQ/PXF (https://github.com/apache/incubator-hawq) setup


  1. 1 HDFS file (transaction data)
  2. 1 HBase table (product data)
  3. 1 Hive table with partitions (customer data)


To create HDFS file and data:

sh create_hdfs.sh

In Hive

To create Hive table and data:

hive -f create_hive.sql

View Hive table on HDFS:

hdfs dfs -ls /hive/warehouse/demo.db/customers/

In HBase

To create HBase table and data:

sh create_hbase.sh


  1. Readable table for HDFS file
  2. Readable table for HBase table
  3. Readable table for Hive table
  4. Writable table for HDFS file

To create HAWQ tables:

createdb demo
psql -d demo -f create_hawq_tables.sql

Join between all 3 readable table and a local HAWQ table. HBase table query with filter on text/int fields Hive table query with filter on partition fields Write the results into HDFS table

To run queries via HAWQ:

Top 5 products of a specific country (Demonstrates querying against Hdfs,Hive & HBase with predicate push down to Hive)

SELECT count(*) AS number_of_purchases, products."product:name"
FROM products, customers, transactions
WHERE products.recordkey = transactions.product_id
AND   customers.customer_id = transactions.customer_id
AND   customers.country = 'Belgium'
GROUP BY products."product:name"
ORDER BY number_of_purchases DESC

Top 5 Customers by revenue, who bought items below 50$ (Demonstrates querying against Hdfs,Hive & HBase with predicate push down to HBase)

SELECT customers.first_name|| ' ' || customers.last_name as customer_name, SUM(products."product:price") as revenue
FROM products, customers, transactions
WHERE products.recordkey = transactions.product_id
AND   customers.customer_id = transactions.customer_id
AND   products."product:price" < 50
GROUP BY customers.customer_id, customers.first_name, customers.last_name

Total spend per customer. Result written to HDFS via writable table (Query Hdfs,Hive & HBase and write back join query results back to Hdfs)

INSERT INTO customer_spend
SELECT customers.first_name|| ' ' || customers.last_name as customer_name, SUM(products."product:price") as revenue
FROM products, customers, transactions
WHERE products.recordkey = transactions.product_id
AND   customers.customer_id = transactions.customer_id
GROUP BY customers.customer_id, customers.first_name, customers.last_name
ORDER BY revenue DESC;

Check output on HDFS

hadoop fs -cat /pxf_demo/customer_spend/*