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error class fauxmoESP has no member named onMessage
C:\Users\sexyy\Downloads\16 device alexa control\sketch_feb03a\sketch_feb03a.ino: In function 'void setup()':
sketch_feb03a:161: error: 'class fauxmoESP' has no member named 'onMessage'
exit status 1 'class fauxmoESP' has no member named 'onMessage' ...i use NODEMCU
Use fauxmo library version 2.2.1
where i find that?
Sketch-->Include Libraries-->Manage Libraries. The usual place where you install the libraries. From the dropdown on the left side choose the 2.2.1 version.
10x 10x 10x shivasiddharth for your help. is working now and alexa shi find devices bat the blue ligts shi not find.
i donat like samm game ligts.
i whant to chenge game lights in the sketch bat i'm not expert in coding :((
the light is to dimm. how increse brightness?
'class fauxmoESP' has no member named 'setPort
for this fauxmo.setPort(80); I use NODEMCU.Can you help me?
I had this same problem with setPort, i solved updating the library fauxmo to version 3.1.0.